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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thank you.
  2. Thanks dbinter. I'm kind of a dufuss.I had a mini stroke a few years ago,and my head is still a little cloudy.I thought that's what ingburn was doing.I will purchase the convertxttodvd software.Is it pretty easy to use?Basically this is all I have to do with it,so it isn"t any thing complicated.I think I looked at it once,and it didn't have a refund policy unless I'm mistaken.Thank you so much for the help,I really appreciate it. paul
  3. Two short movie clips about 10:00 minutes each I downloaded from the internet.Thanks.
  4. ImgBurn.log Hi,ImgBurn.log Hi,I used the imageburn,and had the same problem.I drug two files from my downloads over to the window,and I used write files to disk.Everything went fine.The disk will play in my computer fine, but not my dvd players.I have a Panasonic and a Toshiba probably 10-12 years old.They play all other disks with no trouble.I don't know what I did wrong.Please help. paul.
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