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  1. Got it. I'm not at home and will have to get to the logs later. Ok so I assumed that at a low level, the software would have access to the specifics of how the data is burned : i.e. access to different efficiencies/efficacies at the burning level but what I hear you say is that that is not the case, rather the drive's HW/firmware makes that determination. If that's the case then I see nothing beyond happenstance and astrology being at the root of my observations. ----quite surprising given the longevity of my issue but what do they say about truth being stranger than fiction. Perhaps I've taken enough of your time and we can forget about the logs ... and yes, my name is Bob
  2. I'll try and gather the information you request. This problem has been going on for quite some time now. I suppose any given spindle can have good and bad discs but I doubt it simply because non of my DL media has given me problems with simple data archiving at any time. It's only burning ISOs (that i've created from VIDEO_TS folders using imgburn), I'm not saying that this is directly relavent nor am I saying that there is a determininistic distinction between how imgburn and NERO get the image burned on the disc because I've not taken the time to develop an expertise in that arena however I can say that I'm an expert at gathering empirical data in a controlled environment given my professional training and the scenario I outline, while not controlled, is repeatable over time. Once again, i'm not here to complain or get in a peeing contest with over-inflated egos ,,, rather i'm here to gather information ... Thanks for your time,
  3. -
  4. Thanks Lightning UK. I haven't spent the time learning the ins and outs of imgburn and perhaps should do so. I'm certainly not here to complain but to get information + I didn't actually study the logs that were presented in a careful manner and can't with any certaintly say that I got the exact same errors however and once again, my scenario cannot be dismissed given my clean XPpro builds ...
  5. [Q] How is it I have built/burnt hundreds of DL media on 11+ computers using over 30 dvd writers and never come across this scenario. Whereby someone says ImgBurn fails and Nero works. [A] It's your hardware, lack of knowledge, ability to maintain and install a functional operating system and therefore you have a shitty, unclean corrupted operating system. Typical Jerk. I'm an Electrical Engineer who is rather adept at anything PC related describing the EXACT scenario with a cleanXP pro build using a brand new Samsung SH-S203N DVD Burner. The exact same behavior was exhibited with the EXACT same ISOs on a different system with a Sony DRU-830A (Samsung OEM I believe) burner, both burners with the latest firmware. Now, granted I'm NOT an imgburn expert in particular nor an optical media expert in general HOWEVER you cannot legitimately dismiss the EXACT same ISOs burning flawlessly using NERO that didn't burn using imgburn regardless of your abysmal and disrespectful attitude. I am NO fan or NERO's and actually would MUCH RATHER support imgburn and all that the author as contributed the the world of optical media! With all due respect, Bob
  6. The EXACT same thing has been happening to me with +R DL media but only with "certain" DVD VIDEO_TS folders built into ISOs (with imgburn). Tried endlessly fiddlin' with the layer break etc. I finally tried the exact same troublesome ISOs with NERO and they all burned and verified flawlessly the FIRST time. Other DVD VIDEO_TS folders built into ISOs burned just fine with imgburn ... The truth is there is something more specific going on with imgburn! Forgot to clearly state that NERO burned the same troublesome ISOs with the SAME media ... Bob
  7. The EXACT same thing has been happening to me with +R DL media but only with "certain" DVD VIDEO_TS folders built into ISOs (with imgburn). Tried endlessly fiddlin' with the layer break etc. I finally tried the exact same troublesome ISOs with NERO and they all burned and verified flawlessly the FIRST time. Other DVD VIDEO_TS folders built into ISOs burned just fine with imgburn ... The truth is there is something more specific going on with imgburn!
  8. Thanks for the tip LUK. Sorry about not providing a log. What seems to've been happening is that I've got 7 HDDs and the burner on this system (3GhzP4, ASUS P4C800-E, 2x512 Geil) with the burner as the master on IDE channel 1 and an HDD as the slave (rest on IDE2, Intel serials and Promise serials/PATA). Reconfigured with ONLY the burner on IDE1 (no slave) and the 830A (Sammy) is consistently error free now whereas a Pioneer 111D didn't have a problem either way ... Hate them coasters ;-) Thanks again and oh BTW, what is the actual penalty for incremental vs DAO if any other than what I would guess is laser efficiency in terms of burn time? Bob
  9. Curious problem. Upgraded my Sony (BenQ) DRU-810A firmware to 1.0D and it started creating consistent coasters (DL+R) with Imgburn (something about unknown sector addresses as I recall ,,,, using PGCEdit to set the layer break) so I RMAed it thinking that there was a problem with the burner itself. Sony sent me a (Samsung) DRU-830A which I promptly upgraded to firmware SS23. The SAME exact problem with Imgburn on that burner! (Sony sent me a new one) ..and yet I could fill the same branded (Ritek) DL+R media with data files using Nero ,,, error free on the 830A (SS23). Went back to SS22 and Imgburn works fine with PGCEdit generated ISOs now! What gives? Is Sony monkeying around with their latest firmware versions? Bob
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