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  1. And with the same make of CD the default windows burner works where imgburn failed. Very strange. Thanks for your help.
  2. Thanks a lot. I found a different make of CD and tried it and...it does seem to go better. Very strange!! Though runs into trouble again W 16:52:29 Waiting for device to become ready... I 16:52:34 Device Ready! I 16:52:36 Operation Started! I 16:52:36 Source Device: [0:0:0] PHILIPS CDRW/DVD SCB5265 TX11 (I:) (USB) I 16:52:36 Source Media Type: CD-R (Disc ID: 97m26s66f, CMC Magnetics Corp.) I 16:52:36 Source Media Supported Read Speeds: 8x, 12x, 16x, 20x, 24x I 16:52:36 Source Media Sectors: 337,472 I 16:52:36 Source Media Size: 691,142,656 bytes I 16:52:36 Image File: -==/\/[BUILD IMAGE]\/\==- I 16:52:36 Image File Sectors: 337,472 (MODE1/2048) I 16:52:36 Image File Size: 691,142,656 bytes I 16:52:36 Image File Volume Identifier: Burn1 I 16:52:36 Image File Volume Set Identifier: UNDEFINED I 16:52:36 Image File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 - The Ultimate Image Burner! I 16:52:36 Image File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 I 16:52:36 Image File File System(s): ISO9660, Joliet I 16:52:36 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / MAX I 16:52:37 Read Speed - Effective: 24x I 16:52:37 Verifying Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 337471) I 16:52:37 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 337471) W 16:58:42 Failed to Read Sectors 239328 - 239359 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:02:27 Failed to Read Sectors 328576 - 328607 - Reason: No Seek Complete W 17:02:34 Failed to Read Sector 328604 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:02:34 Sector 328604 maps to File: \The Ting Tings - Great DJ.mp3 W 17:02:42 Retrying (1)... W 17:02:48 Retry Failed - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:02:53 Failed to Read Sector 328604 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:02:53 Sector 328604 maps to File: \The Ting Tings - Great DJ.mp3 W 17:02:59 Failed to Read Sector 328605 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:02:59 Sector 328605 maps to File: \The Ting Tings - Great DJ.mp3 W 17:03:14 Retrying (1)... I 17:03:16 Verifying Sectors... W 17:03:34 Failed to Read Sectors 328992 - 329023 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:03:41 Failed to Read Sector 329023 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:03:41 Sector 329023 maps to File: \The Ting Tings - Great DJ.mp3 W 17:03:53 Failed to Read Sectors 329152 - 329183 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:04:00 Failed to Read Sector 329155 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit W 17:04:00 Sector 329155 maps to File: \The Ting Tings - Great DJ.mp3 E 17:04:03 Failed to Read Sector 329155 - Reason: Timeout on Logical Unit E 17:04:04 Sector 329155 maps to File: \The Ting Tings - Great DJ.mp3 E 17:04:04 Failed to Verify Sectors! I 17:04:05 Exporting Graph Data... I 17:04:05 Graph Data File: C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\PHILIPS_CDRW-DVD_SCB5265_TX11_29-JANUARY-2022_16-46_97m26s66f_16x.ibg I 17:04:05 Export Successfully Completed! E 17:04:05 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:11:27 I 17:04:05 Average Verify Rate: 959 KiB/s (5.6x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 2,489 KiB/s (14.4x) Is this one file corrupt (they are old old files!) or...?
  3. Thanks. Trying at the lowest I get W 15:12:22 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 1,764 KB/s (10x), GET PERFORMANCE: 4,236 KB/s (24x) W 15:12:22 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 2,822 KB/s (16x), GET PERFORMANCE: 4,236 KB/s (24x) W 15:12:22 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 2,822 KB/s (16x), GET PERFORMANCE: 4,236 KB/s (24x) W 15:12:22 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 2,822 KB/s (16x), GET PERFORMANCE: 4,236 KB/s (24x) W 15:12:22 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 2,822 KB/s (16x), GET PERFORMANCE: 4,236 KB/s (24x) W 15:12:22 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 353 KB/s (2x), Got: 2,822 KB/s (16x) / 4,236 KB/s (24x) W 15:12:22 The drive only supports writing these discs at 10x, 16x, 20x, 24x. So trying at 10 I get 20 times of: W 15:20:26 Retrying (18 of 20)... W 15:20:31 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 15:20:31 Retrying (19 of 20)... W 15:20:35 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 15:20:35 Retrying (20 of 20)... W 15:20:40 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error At 16 it seems to work though the same happened as first time around. Can't verify when I put it back in afterwards. I 15:28:54 Cycling Tray before Verify... I 15:35:41 Device Ready! E 15:35:41 CompareImageFileLayouts Failed! - Session Count Not Equal (1/0) E 15:35:41 Verify Failed! - Reason: Layouts do not match.
  4. HI, I've found myself unable to burn CDs on the default windows burner and decided to try image burn as I heard it would do the job better. All seems to work well however it fails right at the end. My log is....Slightly edited to remove specific file locations and my name.... I 14:55:47 Building Image Tree... W 14:55:47 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Users\yyyy\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Burn1\desktop.ini I 14:55:50 Checking Directory Depth... I 14:55:50 Calculating Totals... I 14:55:50 Preparing Image... W 14:55:50 Joliet File: 'x W 14:55:50 Joliet File: y) W 14:55:50 Joliet File System: 2 folder/file names have been modified due to your current settings. I 14:55:50 Checking Path Length... I 14:55:50 Contents: 117 Files, 0 Folders I 14:55:50 Content Type: Data I 14:55:50 Data Type: MODE1/2048 I 14:55:50 File System(s): ISO9660, Joliet I 14:55:50 Volume Label: Burn1 I 14:55:50 Size: 690,957,343 bytes I 14:55:50 Sectors: 337,439 I 14:55:50 Image Size: 691,142,656 bytes I 14:55:50 Image Sectors: 337,472 I 14:55:52 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:05 I 14:55:52 Operation Started! I 14:55:52 Source File: -==/\/[BUILD IMAGE]\/\==- I 14:55:52 Source File Sectors: 337,472 (MODE1/2048) I 14:55:52 Source File Size: 691,142,656 bytes I 14:55:52 Source File Volume Identifier: Burn1 I 14:55:52 Source File Volume Set Identifier: UNDEFINED I 14:55:52 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 - The Ultimate Image Burner! I 14:55:52 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 I 14:55:52 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, Joliet I 14:55:52 Destination Device: [0:0:0] PHILIPS CDRW/DVD SCB5265 TX11 (I:) (USB) I 14:55:52 Destination Media Type: CD-R (Disc ID: 97m17s06f, Moser Baer India) I 14:55:52 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 10x, 16x, 20x, 24x I 14:55:52 Destination Media Sectors: 359,847 I 14:55:52 Write Mode: CD I 14:55:52 Write Type: SAO I 14:55:52 Write Speed: MAX I 14:55:52 Lock Volume: Yes I 14:55:52 Test Mode: No I 14:55:52 OPC: No I 14:55:52 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 14:55:53 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 4,234 KB/s (24x) I 14:55:53 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB) I 14:55:53 Writing LeadIn... I 14:56:19 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 337471) I 14:56:19 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 337471) I 15:00:26 Synchronising Cache... I 15:00:42 Exporting Graph Data... I 15:00:42 Graph Data File: C:\Users\zzzz\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\PHILIPS_CDRW-DVD_SCB5265_TX11_29-JANUARY-2022_14-55_97m17s06f_MAX.ibg I 15:00:42 Export Successfully Completed! I 15:00:42 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:04:50 I 15:00:42 Average Write Rate: 2,743 KiB/s (15.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 3,646 KiB/s (21.2x) I 15:00:42 Cycling Tray before Verify... W 15:01:03 Waiting for device to become ready... I 15:01:07 Device Ready! E 15:01:07 CompareImageFileLayouts Failed! - Session Count Not Equal (1/0) E 15:01:07 Verify Failed! - Reason: Layouts do not match. Any idea what is going wrong here? I've tried doing it more than once, different CDs and the same, and nought seems to work.
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