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  1. Thank you for the suggestion, I'll look into it for BD drive, I trust LG as well. I've emailed VanTec, hopefully they RMA it. Probably will just order an OWC enclosure. TSST SH-224 are decent for just DVDs? In the past I had read they were quality, now I don't know what to think anymore. Cheers
  2. Thank you both for your replies. I tried other options in I/O as well after reading this suggestion, I couldn't get those to function either. I could get an OWC enclosure and try it, but I find it odd that I can read/view the disk in windows yet have issues with imgburn. I've used ImgBurn in the past, and never encountered a problem like this. It starts to make me believe that @dbminter is right, it's probably a dud enclosure, but again I can't believe it partially works. Is a partial dud even a possibility? And the spontaneous failure also perplexes me. I may email Vantec and ask for an RMA, not sure if I'll have any success. I read hearsay online that some devices that use 12v external power supplies can push the power back down the USB cable (incorrectly designed) and fry components. I tested the USB cable with probes and voltmeter, I didn't find any voltage going back down the USB cable. I also just picked up two more SH-224 drives on ebay, in case it is the drive. If this isn't a good DVD drive for this purpose, do either of you have a suggestion? I could go full hog and get a newer quality pioneer blu-ray drive, but I've worried about lifespan of the drives from things I've read online. Especially given most retailers are selling brown box pulls as it is, a second hand blu-ray drive seems like it could be a bad bet. I just have a cheap Asus blu-ray reader, not a burner, from years ago. I could pull it to test this enclosure, but it's in an HTPC at a family member's house and will have to wait until the weekend. Here is a full log. I have many external drives and two network mapped drives. Without the optical drive connected it launches immediately and does not hang. ominous Thanks again for any guidance. I 15:45:18 ImgBurn Version started! I 15:45:18 Microsoft Windows 8 Professional x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200) I 15:45:18 Total Physical Memory: 33,407,784 KiB - Available: 26,189,444 KiB W 15:45:18 I/O Interface 'Debug Mode' Enabled! I 15:45:18 Initialising SPTI... I 15:45:18 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(A:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(B:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(C:\) - Return Value: 3 (DRIVE_FIXED) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(D:\) - Return Value: 3 (DRIVE_FIXED) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(E:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(F:\) - Return Value: 3 (DRIVE_FIXED) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(G:\) - Return Value: 3 (DRIVE_FIXED) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(H:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(I:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(J:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(K:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(L:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(M:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(N:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(O:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(P:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(Q:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(R:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(S:\) - Return Value: 3 (DRIVE_FIXED) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(T:\) - Return Value: 4 (DRIVE_REMOTE) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(U:\) - Return Value: 4 (DRIVE_REMOTE) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(V:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(W:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(X:\) - Return Value: 3 (DRIVE_FIXED) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(Y:\) - Return Value: 2 (DRIVE_REMOVABLE) I 15:45:18 GetDriveType(Z:\) - Return Value: 1 (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) W 15:45:18 No devices detected!
  3. In need of some assistance if possible, I searched everywhere I could online for advice. ImgBurn hangs on Searching for SCSI / ATAPI. Drive is a TSST SH-224BB in a Vantec NexStar DX2 USB 5.25 enclosure. I have updated the firmware on the drive to the latest version (SB-01). DVDs play in VLC and Media Player Classic HC. I reinstalled ImgBurn with the "fresh install" twice. I know it worked to reinstall cleanly because I had to reuse the registry key to enable debug mode. I tried running the program as administrator as well. As a last ditch diagnostic I checked the power supply for the enclosure with a voltmeter, it's right where it should be just above 12v. The problem began after attempting to read an older disc with the drive to backup as an .iso. ImgBurn worked less than 12 hours ago to make an iso, earlier today. After the disc failed to read it could have began then, the disc make be anecdotal. I have used this drive to write many iso's thus far. I can still play discs in VLC with the drive. The discs appear in Windows and are able to be viewed in explorer. I'm also able to create an video from the disc directly in handbrake. My flow had previously been ImgBurn -> .iso -> HandBrake Queue. OS is Windows 11 Pro, it displays as windows 8 x64 in the log. I enabled additional logging registry key as suggested by LUK's troubleshooting post. Unfortunately I'm not sure if it will be of any help: I 00:37:19 ImgBurn Version started! I 00:37:19 Microsoft Windows 8 Professional x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200) I 00:37:19 Total Physical Memory: 33,407,784 KiB - Available: 24,888,836 KiB W 00:37:19 I/O Interface 'Debug Mode' Enabled! I 00:37:19 Initialising SPTI... I 00:37:19 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... Additionally, exiting the program causes a lockup as well. Any wisdom would be appreciated, not sure what's going on.
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