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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Hi, I searched for the answer but couldn't find anything that helped. I apologise in advance as I am not technical minded and don't know much about technology. anyways, I use IMGBurn on my computer and it works fine, copies a DVD in around 10 minutes and the buffer stays at 100%. I recently bought a 2nd hand old laptop which I downloaded the programme onto but the buffer keeps going to 0%, literally as soon as it hits 100% then it falls back to 0%. I'm using an external harddrive for the file i'm burning (same as on my computer) I've checked the i/o settings on both and they both are the same so I don't know why it's doing this on the laptop? any help would be great and please keep in mind that I am not great at technology or tech speech haha thanks I know you're supposed to show the log but I closed the log upon start-up and don't know how to get it back up to copy it, I did re-start IMGBurn but the log didn't come up
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