Hello, thank you all for the response !
We found a solution to apply the patch to all PS1 version.
Yeah, I noticed that. Always different checksum-- and that offset cannot be change!
It's hard to dump these CDDA track with a correct checksum. I noticed with disc image creator, there a no mismatch between mines Plextor.
Hello to everyone.
I'm using imgburn for a long time and I never have problem with it. Simple and really reliable for burning or creating disc image.
My problem is with a game disc for PlayStation - Tomb Raider 1 (American version 1.0 - SLUS-00152).
I need to create a disc image with a correct checksum... and here's why.
Me and my team we translate this game on italian. And we need a correct disc image checksum for create a correct patch!
I've a lot of cd readers and burners, but my favourite ones (and I still used it for authoring copies and etc....) are two Plextor (respectively: PX-W1210 and PX-W4012) and a Yamaha SCSI CRW8424S (which not work as SCSI peripheral - it stucks after reading the first data track).
The disc is mint and is scanned with Nero Discspeed (no damaged sector), but I've dumped the original ISO with these two Plextor and I've two different checksum.
Is a issue with CDDA tracks or mine?
Thank you
Here's a pic:
Any help is appreciated!