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  1. Ok, it's not really that important as it may sound. It's just one of the standard question about audio rippers. Another question like that would be: Are you planning to support secure ripping of audio CDs?
  2. Yeah, maybe Andre Wiethoff can help you out.
  3. Here's the cue sheet as created by EAC: REM GENRE Jazz-Rock REM DATE 1971 REM DISCID 6B0AEB08 REM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v0.99pb4" CATALOG 5099706552321 PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" TITLE "The Inner Mounting Flame" FILE "Mahavishnu Orchestra - 1971 - The Inner Mounting Flame.wav" WAVE TRACK 01 AUDIO TITLE "Meeting of the Spirits" PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" ISRC USSM17100304 INDEX 01 00:00:00 TRACK 02 AUDIO TITLE "Dawn" PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" ISRC USSM17100305 INDEX 00 06:52:25 INDEX 01 06:53:47 TRACK 03 AUDIO TITLE "Noonward Race" PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" ISRC USSM17100306 INDEX 00 12:04:12 INDEX 01 12:05:35 TRACK 04 AUDIO TITLE "A Lotus on Irish Streams" PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" ISRC USSM17100307 INDEX 00 18:33:70 INDEX 01 18:35:17 TRACK 05 AUDIO TITLE "Vital Transformation" PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" ISRC USSM17100308 INDEX 00 24:15:20 INDEX 01 24:16:42 TRACK 06 AUDIO TITLE "The Dance of Maya" PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" ISRC USSM17100309 INDEX 00 30:32:62 INDEX 01 30:34:10 TRACK 07 AUDIO TITLE "You Know, You Know" PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" ISRC USSM17100310 INDEX 00 37:51:22 INDEX 01 37:52:42 TRACK 08 AUDIO TITLE "Awakening" PERFORMER "Mahavishnu Orchestra" ISRC USSM17100311 INDEX 00 43:00:47 INDEX 01 43:01:67 And here's ImgBurn's cue sheet: CATALOG 5099706552321 FILE "Image.wav" WAVE TRACK 01 AUDIO ISRC USSM17100304 INDEX 01 00:00:00 TRACK 02 AUDIO ISRC USSM17100305 INDEX 00 06:52:25 INDEX 01 06:53:47 TRACK 03 AUDIO ISRC USSM17100306 INDEX 00 12:04:12 INDEX 01 12:05:35 TRACK 04 AUDIO ISRC USSM17100307 INDEX 00 18:33:70 INDEX 01 18:35:17 TRACK 05 AUDIO ISRC USSM17100308 INDEX 00 24:15:20 INDEX 01 24:16:42 TRACK 06 AUDIO ISRC USSM17100309 INDEX 00 30:32:62 INDEX 01 30:34:10 TRACK 07 AUDIO INDEX 00 37:51:22 INDEX 01 37:52:42 TRACK 08 AUDIO INDEX 00 43:00:47 INDEX 01 43:01:67 My drive is a "_NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG" firmware version 2.1B. The first cue sheet was created using this drive, too. Then I tried it with a "TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372" (firmware: TU56). This drive was able to read the last two track's ISRCs with ImgBurn. NEC EAC: all 8 track's ISRCs IB: only first 6 track's ISRCs Toshiba EAC: all 8 track's ISRCs IB: all 8 track's ISRCs
  4. Like EAC has it. Any chance you're going to implement it?
  5. I wanna kno.
  6. Thumbs up for this request.
  7. Actually these are two quite different but related features in one request. Generally I'm in need of a image conversion program for cd/dvd images. It happens from time to time, that I get my hands on an image file in some obscure format. Normally I would simply load them up in ImgBurn and write them to a disk. But since a few month I'm using an open-source data recovery program for optical disks, dvdisaster. It can augment ISO images with ECC data which it uses later to recover bad sectors in case the disk got damaged. Unfortunately ISO is the only image format it can handle. So for converting a bit more obscure image formats I now use ISOBuster, but I'm thinking: this could also be a nice feature for ImgBurn? Of course, only the user data and no sub-channel data which could be used to make working copies of copyrighted disks would be saved to the new image (apart from the fact that ISO doesn't support this anyway...). Then the other idea for a new feature would be to add a somewhat similar function to the Build mode: Importing an existing image into a build session and then be able to add or strip files to or from it and when done build a completely new image out of it... with the possibility to reproduce the filesystem options and boot settings of the imported image(s), as good as possible. While the first feature request would be a more or less 1:1 conversion the second would be like a re-build of an image. While the first one can be done with other software, too. The second one if quite unique and would make ImgBurn even more outstanding. Of course the second is also harder to implement.
  8. Right, I have IsoBuster and it can "extract" (i.e. practically convert) the whole image to TAO (i.e. .ISO). Thanks for mentioning this, I didn't think of that. EDIT: Btw, my attempt to convert an .IMG file and a .BIN/.CUE file to .ISO with Daemon Tools also failed miserably. I ripped from the virtual drives using h2cdimage, which relies on Nero's wnaspi32.dll, exactly the one which gets shot in the knee by SPTD 1.43. After augmenting the ISO with ECC data using dvdisaster, I tested the ISO images and they were corrupted. This has happened for the first time, that I cannot read the contents of an ISO treated with dvdisaster. dvdisaster only appends ECC to the ISO and it doesn't touch the first part of the image at all. Of course, h2cdimage failed to correctly extract from the virtual drives. So my overall experience with Daemon Tools can be described as a catastrophy.
  9. Yeah, it's "SPTDinst-v143-x86.exe remove" on the command line. Without the "/", just tested it. Hm, like Alcohol 120%... it would be fatal if DT removed the SPTD driver on a system where also Alc120 was installed. Yet, it was especially this SPTD driver and the lack of an option to remove it along with DT, that bugged me. BTW: Do you know any more "system friendly" virtual CD/DVD tools that don't depend on such a "nasty" driver? I think these tools are quite handy, for example for converting images of different types to ISO. It mustn't have any anti-copy-protection systems, but should support a wide range of image formats. Maybe that's even a likely feature candidate to be included with ImgBurn... either an image converter (++) or virtual drives (+)...
  10. Yeah, I figured it's not a bug in ImgBurn. (Move the thread to Support if you want...) It's just that I'm not registered at the Daemon Tools forum, so I asked here... Hm, I've just deinstalled DT. Also the SPTD.sys which never gets removed after deinstallation (you have to hit ESC during bootup and remove it manually from the filesystem/registry/device manager). So... I rather not test DT in the near future again. I have a deep aversion against this tool, it was only an emergency why I used it. But I'm sure what you've said is the solution to the problem. It seems to got fixed with SPTD v1.45. Dunno! Anyway. After deinstalltion of DT and its residue burning works again (with ASPI) like before.
  11. Since I have installed Daemon Tools yesterday, writing images to discs seems to go wrong, because the verification fails horribly. Errors are found in the first sector on blank new media which batch never gave me errors before, new and old CD-RW have also many errors in the first sector, then in the second, third, and so on... It's like 20-30% of all bits were flipped. Either it's a general problem with Daemon Tools or it's their new low-level driver "SPTD1.43". Btw, I'm using Nero's driver for ImgBurn to access the drives... On a sidenote: Normally I hate these virtual optical drives drivers, because they mean trouble, just like what obviously happened now. But I had to install it, because I wanted to convert several exotic image file to ISO, so I can augment them with ECC data with dvdisaster before burning. Since there are no converters out there, at least I found none, I mounted them with Daemon Tools and ripped them from the virtual drives to ISO images. It would be tedious to install and uninstall these virtual drive drivers everytime I want to convert an image... but I guess it's better to not run your system with things like Daemon Tools in the background. EDIT: The SPTD.sys driver definitely does something or tries to prevent something... to the registry! It hooks some kernel functions but I'm not sure whether they can affect burning: Well, I'll deinstall, wipe off DT's driver remains and see if things are back to normal.
  12. ImgBurn won't support this in the near future, AFAIK.
  13. This should be pretty superfluous, since AFAIK a bin/cue-rip of a data cd and a ISO-rip are 1:1 identical. So you could do... 1. Read/Build to ISO 2. Rename to .bin 3. create a .cue file by hand (track mode 1 / sector mode 2048) or copy and paste from existing data cue file) Simply load the bin file directly instead of the cue sheet. While I don't see the point in using bin/cue for data CDs, I don't think it's a big deal to add it to ImgBurn, but then a bin file of a data cd and an ISO file are pretty much the same, so is it really worth the effort? On a sidenote: Does ImgBurn support track mode 2? Something similar to Exact Audio Copy's profile manager? Yes, sounds good. I agree! ImgBurn is the best.
  14. Nice, I didn't knew about this one (there are quite a few of these tools). I like this feature:
  15. Hey LUK, nice that you've (re-)added a read mode to ImgBurn. And now I already have a suggestion for this mode: there are some tools out there, which allow me to re-read damaged sectors in order to try to recover more of the data. Usually in addition to the image file a seperate meta file will be created. It stores which sectors were read successfully and which were not. Sectors that failed to be read will be filled up with a specific byte in the image (I guess 0x00 is problematic). After a first extraction the user can try to re-read the failed disc and this time only the failed sectors will be re-read. Either the user or preferable the program itself will try this a few times until there are no missing sectors left or reading the remaining sectors makes no sense anymore since it turned out they're far too damaged. Combining this technique with different drives can improve the results, because as we know, no two optical drive models are really the same, even a firmware update can give better (or worse) results when it comes to reading/correcting damaged sectors. I think dvdisaster can do this (although I've never actually tried it) and then there's h2cdimage a command line tool (but it's in german only ). What do you think about this feature? Well, IMHO it's something every data disc authoring tool should have...
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