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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I don't seem to be able to reply on my original topic. Maybe my account is too new? Here are the screenshots you requested.
  2. I've read the Readme file half a dozen times, gone over every switch, googled this, and read a dozen forum posts here. I've also tried /MAKEIMAGEBOOTABLE YES, /MAKEBOOTABLE YES, /BOOTABLE YES, /MAKEIMAGEBOOTABLE 1, /MAKEIMAGEBOOTABLE, and I'm at a loss. Everything works, but the application will prompt me if I would like to make the image bootable and I would like to get rid of that prompt. I'm typing the following: "C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE BUILD /BUILDOUTPUTMODE IMAGEFILE /SRC "C:\Win10iso\Windows10\" /DEST "C:\Win10iso\Windows10.iso" /VOLUMELABEL "Windows10" /OVERWRITE YES /START /CLOSESUCCESS /INCLUDEHIDDENFILES YES /INCLUDESYSTEMFILES YES /MAKEIMAGEBOOTABLE /BOOTEMUTYPE 0 /BOOTPLATFORMID 3 /BOOTIMAGE "C:\Win10iso\Windows10\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin" /BOOTDEVELOPERID "Microsoft Corporation" /BOOTLOADSEGMENT 07C0 /BOOTSECTORSTOLOAD 1
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