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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I want to burn an copy of gta 5 for my xbox 360, i have an dvd dl r 8,5gb and i did got an warning since the file is 8,6gb and the dvd is 8,5gb max capacity. It did warn me that it may not work but i can try and there im waiting like maybe 30 minutes then an error popped up " W 17:09:28 Failed to Write Sectors 2048800 - 2048831 - Reason: Write Error " . I did go try again like 20 times and i canceled it. Then an window popped up asking me something i forgot what i just hit continue and now in the logs it just says. E 17:10:35 Failed to Write Sectors 2048800 - 2048831 - Reason: Write Error E 17:10:35 Next Writable Address: 2048560 I 17:10:35 Synchronising Cache... I 17:10:50 Closing Track... I 17:11:23 Finalising Disc...
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