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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. The first thing i thought was that the burner is gone. I think it's about 10 years old (maybe it's a lot) but it hasn't been used much. Is there any way to check if the problem is in the device? I don't think the problem is in the CD and DVD disks, i've been using them for years and there haven't been any problems. The directory space is also small (20gb free), could that be a problem? Please recommend me a brand of internal or external burnee? Today I tried to burn a DVD again and again the same error. The first read does it without a problem and the second one gives this error. The strange thing is that all the files are written and readable. Finally, can these entries and errors damage files on the hard drive? I'm sending the entire log file. ImgBurn.log
  2. I tried to burn three DVDs. The first time was successful, but on the second and third burn I get this error. I don't understand where the problem is, given that I haven't made any changes to either the device or the software. I'm attaching a printscreen and a file with all the information from the last burn. I haven't had this problem before, provided I've used the same device, the same DVDs, the same software. I don't know what to do. Please help, thanks in advance. 1412.txt
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