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  1. I'm doing it again, sorry. I asking a quest about DVD Styler in the ImgBurn Support forum. I'm having difficulty logging into the SourceForge forum so I'm turning to you. I'm sure it is nothing. When I finished making my menu and saved it and exited DVD StylerI was presented with a warning message. It stated, "There are two files (3349.7 MB) in the transcoding cache. Do you want to clear the cache?" Given the fact I have no idea what a "transcoding cache" is, I didn't know how to answer this. I think I chose "Yes". It must not of mattered, the DVD seems to have burned successfully. I'll know tonight when watch it. But is this anything important; somethign I should know? I attached a screen grab of the message. And I promise, last non-ImgBurn question here.
  2. My title explains my entire question. Can it? And while I'm at it, what is a good, preferably open source program like DVD Styler, to author blu Ray?
  3. On January 27th my wife and I will celebrate more years of marriage than you have been alive😉 I never had the Commodore but used to lug an Apple II into my hotel room long before most travelling business types thought of computers. Used casette tapes for storage! And to answer the question I am 1 1/2 x your age.
  4. dbminter, you could be approaching my age!!!!!😲 I am running DVD Styler to make the menus, etc. I use it to make an image file (ISO). Then using IMGBurn to burn it to DVD. This is the plan anyway. I did it once and the dvd player with my tv just sat there and hummed. It never did work. I did it again and success!!!! I have not used dvd's out of this spindle for months. Maybe the top DVD was dusty or who knows. As an aside, I am, unfortunately, using the very DVD's you are recommending I not use (Verbatim Life Series). I also have some "Amazon Basics". That, of course, may be part of the problem. For today, these are what I am stuck with. I will order some higher quality ones a few milliseconds after finishing this post. But I now have a couple movies burned to a DVD and I'm going to settle in this evening and watch.
  5. @dbminter, that you for the very informative answer to my question. I have lots of studying to do and you got me started. I do appreciate it.
  6. Exposing my ignorance here. So one use's the "DVD authoring program" to make a "project"? What DVD authoring program do you recommend? That puts the menu's etc somewhere, correct? And then you use ImgBurn to take that project and put it on the DVD? Are there recommended tutorials some where that can an old, retired, chubby geezer how to do all of this?
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