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Everything posted by rlp

  1. Perhaps the DataLife Plus BD-R DL discs would be as reliable as you've found the single-layer similar brand ones to be. I just wish they were cheaper than they are here (CAD$128.99 + tax for a 25-spindle from Amazon Canada). It's a pity they aren't available in smaller batches (5, 10 eg.). I'd be more comfortable gambling $30 (tax inc.) for a batch of 5 just to try them out. It's not like I need 25 at once either. My needs are a lot more modest as I don't burn very often.
  2. "I think the primary problem will be finding HUMANS in 1,000 years time! LOL" ... Good point!! Well, I thought I was out of the woods when I got a successful burn at 4x, but I just created another coaster on my blue/white Verbatim BD-R DL discs. It got to about 40% through and then it failed. I tried to get a screen shot of the pop-up window but my weird non-standard Logitech keyboard would not comply, so I copied down the following: I/O Error! DEVICE : [0;0;0] ASUS BW-16D1X-U A105 (E:) (USB) Scsi Status : 0x02 Interpretation: Check Condition CDB : AA 00 00 93 33 40 00 00 00 20 40 00 Interpretation : Write(12) - Sectors : 9646912 - 9646943 Sense Area : 71 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 08 21 SK Interpretation : Illegal Request ASC/ASCQ Interpretation : Invalid Field in CDB The ImgBurn log file is attached below. So far out of 4 attempts I have 3 coasters and 1 success. Damned annoying to say the least. I doubt that the Verbatim store on Amazon would care if I sent them a shitty review. I have 1 blank of this box-of-5 left. I could try writing at 2x though I think it's just a bad batch of discs and whatever I do will just be a crap-shoot. ImgBurn.log
  3. It never occurred to me that optical media could degenerate like that after (home) burning, but apparently it can. I wondered why M-discs claimed to be good for 1000 years. Good luck finding an optical disc drive (reader) in 1000 years time though.🤣
  4. That's one hell of a lot of discs, and they're looking good so far. My requirements are far less than that, and I'll bear that in mind going forward when I need 25GB discs again. A pity their DL discs are relatively expensive, and that's what I mainly need now, although not in those huge numbers you're burning.
  5. @dbminter You've been busy! Good news that you've had success so far with the DataLife Plus inkjet BD-R, and I'll probably lean towards those in the future instead of the blue/white ones. The price is not bad for the DataLife Plus inkjet BD-R either (CAD$ 63.98 for a 50-spindle on Amazon.ca). My issue is that a have a few ISOs of music concerts that require DL media, and the DataLife Plus BD-R DL discs are a little on the pricey side (but then making coasters on other media can be too!) I may take a gamble on the cheap-o "Smart Buy" ones and see if they live up to their reviews. WIth regards my initial problem, I used ImgBurn to create an ISO from the BDMV and CERTIFICATE folders and then attempted to burn that ISO using ImgBurn, lowering the burn speed to 4X and using another of my remaining blue/white Verbatim BD-R DL discs. This time it worked perfectly and the resulting disc has no issues with my Sony Blu Ray player either. Whether doing it that way helped, or if I just happened to have a non-crappy disc, I don't know, but thanks for your help and input anyway - much appreciated! As a matter of interest, who is your go-to supplier for optical media? (ImgBurn log file attached) ImgBurn2.log
  6. I've yet to try burning another disc, this time working with an ISO instead of folders, and reducing the burn speed. I'll be doing that since I have the discs, but I was wondering if there are any brands other than Verbatim which could be considered in the future (which won't break the bank)? I found a couple on Amazon.ca at reasonable prices: 1. Smart Buy 10 Pack Bd-r Dl 50gb 6X Blu-ray Double Layer Recordable Disc Blank Logo Data Video Media 10-Discs Spindle CAD$28.42 https://www.amazon.ca/Blu-Ray-Double-Recordable-10-Discs-Spindle/dp/B00KB4YVF0/ref=sr_1_1?crid=29UTKFG8LWL1N&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XhB7ucWqrgDAahqYG6_5sw.jaVmISddREC4XN_NXz0NDj1ZyIN0gq0KkK9bODTc7uU&dib_tag=se&keywords=Smart+Buy+10+Pack+Bd-r+Dl+50gb+6X+Blu-ray+Double+Layer+Recordable+Disc+Blank+Logo+Data+Video+Media+10-Discs+Spindle&qid=1739376505&sprefix=smart+buy+10+pack+bd-r+dl+50gb+6x+blu-ray+double+layer+recordable+disc+blank+logo+data+video+media+10-discs+spindle+%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1 2. PLEXDISC 645-213 50 GB 6X Blu-ray Double Layer Recordable BD-R DL White Inkjet, 25-Disc Spindle CAD$79.80 https://www.amazon.ca/PLEXDISC-645-213-Blu-ray-Recordable-25-Disc/dp/B00IMS58LI/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2EBJIID3DE6V1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CgaB32-MDIxZJpfYtua_9LsFhmU4vbnTILw7_vJnxPV22MR_yU26xfAqITDm78GJDmUhkUei5rT2b6_sRT6JBw-OUcaInIx0v58F8xKhb_faY44Q0ZEZcJzateEmEy26ts1VqswyZFxYBvNQybnoLlyX0mYaPUtM3v-LC2quJGa5qFmVggZxWbdt1Upop5f6UvKYKt7f44gPvIj4z1kxXGxK3eT1MTmdTnssg9--_MsjOQKCsb74Dx8Me3DfXQq9yO9lbaoUgkf6-3mjM07iUhwArg1tJ8_xtPXZCgb0mcPXK4mgM1--CyUUR7t_bJpp5KhKLDV7nATDlTP9zSll-6OQHOIIV6NGAyn41McbiDq1mXeYZAX-rIsJwW0NwVI-WtRNqptMrt0J0ZGhs0cFnGorgDg4jLshhrDJ7TYm4uVOpoIHYUeTQHTci9eVlBXL.l05A5mIdQg-ezMxJWAtJzhH2wgDRBIqo4yLDSJ3YMgY&dib_tag=se&keywords=bd-r+dl&qid=1739375841&sprefix=bd-r+dl%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-2 Smart Buy is apparently made in Taiwan and PLEXDISC is apparently made by Mitsubishi (also in Taiwan). Both seem to have pretty good reviews on Amazon and elsewhere. At CAD$28.42 for 25 Smart Buy, it may be worth a gamble.
  7. The BD-RL DL I'm trying to use came from Amazon Canada: Verbatim 43748 BD-R DL 50GB 6X - 5 Pack Jewel Case Verbatim 43748 BD-R DL 50GB 6X - 5 Pack Jewel Case : Amazon.ca: ElectronicsI I'll try creating an ISO and burning it at a slightly lower speed. I have nothing to lose... it'll either work or it won't.
  8. @dbminter Thank you for responding so quickly. So "Invalid Field in CDB" means faulty media and there's nothing in the source files/folders or ImgBurn settings that would affect this? That's unfortunate. DataLife Plus BD-R DL are about CAD$130 on Amazon for a 25-pack spindle, so about CAD$5.20 each. Not too bad but if they don't work it's a gamble. I was wondering if creating an ISO file first and burning that at a lower speed would have any effect on the outcome? I have 3 of my original Verbatim 43748 BD-R DL 50GB 6X discs left so I guess it won't hurt to try. Failing that I guess I could extract the video and audio and re-author the content to fit on 2 BD-R 25GB using PowerDirector.
  9. I'm trying to create a Blu Ray video disc from BDMV & CERTIFICATE folders and creating expensive coasters. My media is new Verbatim 43748 BD-R DL 50GB 6X. My burner is a brand new ASUS BW-16D1X-U external USB drive. Using Windows 11, Intel i5-13600K CPU, 32GB DDR5 ImgBurn runs for a while then fails. A transcript of the log file is included. ImgBurn .ibg and .log files attached Any advice to get a successful burn would be gratefully appreciated! ImgBurn log file details: ; //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version - Log ; Friday, 31 January 2025, 12:50:45 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 12:26:02 ImgBurn Version started! I 12:26:02 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200) I 12:26:02 Total Physical Memory: 33,359,484 KiB - Available: 24,876,496 KiB I 12:26:02 Initialising SPTI... I 12:26:02 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 12:26:02 -> Drive 1 - Info: WD Virtual CD 1110 1028 (F:) (USB 2.0) I 12:26:02 -> Drive 2 - Info: ASUS BW-16D1X-U A105 (H:) (USB 2.0) I 12:26:02 Found 1 BD-RE XL and 1 Unknown! I 12:33:10 Operation Started! I 12:33:10 Building Image Tree... I 12:33:10 Calculating Totals... I 12:33:10 Preparing Image... I 12:33:11 Contents: 50 Files, 18 Folders I 12:33:11 Content Type: BD Video I 12:33:11 Data Type: MODE1/2048 I 12:33:11 File System(s): UDF (2.50) I 12:33:11 Volume Label: PS_HydePark I 12:33:11 Size: 39,046,830,680 bytes I 12:33:11 Sectors: 19,065,869 I 12:33:11 Image Size: 39,048,052,736 bytes I 12:33:11 Image Sectors: 19,066,432 I 12:33:18 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:07 I 12:33:18 Operation Started! I 12:33:18 Source File: -==/\/[BUILD IMAGE]\/\==- I 12:33:18 Source File Sectors: 19,066,432 (MODE1/2048) I 12:33:18 Source File Size: 39,048,052,736 bytes I 12:33:18 Source File Volume Identifier: PS_HydePark I 12:33:18 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 5A3F64250122EDAD I 12:33:18 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 I 12:33:18 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 12:33:18 Source File File System(s): UDF (2.50) I 12:33:18 Destination Device: [0:0:0] ASUS BW-16D1X-U A105 (H:) (USB) I 12:33:18 Destination Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: VERBAT-IMf-000) I 12:33:18 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x I 12:33:18 Destination Media Sectors: 24,438,784 I 12:33:18 Write Mode: BD I 12:33:18 Write Type: DAO I 12:33:18 Write Speed: MAX I 12:33:18 Hardware Defect Management Active: No I 12:33:18 BD-R Verify Not Required: Yes I 12:33:18 Link Size: Auto I 12:33:18 Lock Volume: Yes I 12:33:18 Test Mode: No I 12:33:18 OPC: No I 12:33:18 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 12:33:18 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 35,968 KB/s (8x) I 12:33:47 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB) I 12:33:47 Writing LeadIn... I 12:33:54 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 19066431) I 12:33:54 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 19066431) I 12:33:54 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 12219391) W 12:41:19 Failed to Write Sectors 5645920 - 5645951 - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (1 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (2 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (3 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (4 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (5 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (6 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (7 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (8 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (9 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (10 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (11 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (12 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (13 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (14 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (15 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (16 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (17 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (18 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (19 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:41:19 Retrying (20 of 20)... W 12:41:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:49:12 Retrying (21)... W 12:49:12 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:49:22 Retrying (22)... W 12:49:22 Retry Failed - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB E 12:50:18 Failed to Write Sectors 5645920 - 5645951 - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB I 12:50:19 Synchronising Cache... W 12:50:19 Synchronise Cache Failed! - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:50:27 Retrying (1)... E 12:50:29 Synchronise Cache Failed! - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB I 12:50:33 Closing Track... W 12:50:33 Close Track Failed! - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB W 12:50:36 Retrying (1)... E 12:50:37 Close Track Failed! - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB I 12:50:37 Finalising Disc... W 12:50:37 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB E 12:50:38 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB E 12:50:39 Failed to Write Image! I 12:50:39 Exporting Graph Data... I 12:50:39 Graph Data File: C:\Users\rl-p\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\ASUS_BW-16D1X-U_A105_JANUARY-31-2025_12-33_PM_VERBAT-IMf-000_MAX.ibg I 12:50:39 Export Successfully Completed! E 12:50:39 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:17:20 I 12:50:39 Average Write Rate: 11,475 KiB/s (2.6x) - Maximum Write Rate: 27,926 KiB/s (6.4x) I 12:50:45 Close Request Acknowledged I 12:50:45 Closing Down... I 12:50:45 Shutting down SPTI... I 12:50:45 ImgBurn closed! ASUS_BW-16D1X-U_A105_JANUARY-31-2025_12-33_PM_VERBAT-IMf-000_MAX.ibg ImgBurn.log
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