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  1. I can confirm that clicking drive - erase disc - full before burning my data enables Defect Management per the log! Unfortunately the /ERASE command does not format the disc the same way as above, and it appears that a manual format is required beforehand. I write many discs with batch command line processes, so that is unfortunate, if I am not missing something. Will another command line switch perform the above? Time penalty comparison of two discs of the same size, settings, and drive. It is likely 50%, with variances for individual discs. Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:16:34 Average Write Rate: 35,585 KiB/s (8.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 44,305 KiB/s (10.1x) Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:29:23 Average Write Rate: 13,598 KiB/s (3.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 16,306 KiB/s (3.7x)
  2. Hello, I am trying to burn a regular BD-R write once single layer disc (not BD-RE) with Defect Management. I am aware of the pros and cons of this choice. I have unchecked bd-r verify not required and have unchecked format without spare areas. All other options are unchanged from the default. Saving and going back into the settings confirms the changes have been made. The drive's manual (WH16NS60) confirms "Defect Management" halves the speed as stated here, which is the correct behavior, so the drive firmware appears to support this. I have also updated the firmware and can confirm no behavior change before and after. However, my imgburn log confirms defect management active and bd-r verify not required are both noted as no. Should I be clicking full erase in imgburn before writing a disc, or would that just create an unusable disc since this is a BD-R write once BD25 disc? Is imgburn not properly sending the command to this drive?
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