Well thats a good idea but you could just do it maually. Just use the build function.
Plus i think it would make the file size much bigger, but it might not.
This is a good suggestion, infact i was just about to suggest it until i sow you beat me to it.
But if you want to have one less app then you could just uninstall burrrn and use the extractor and burner in Windows Media player. (since you cant uninstall it)
Well if you had a blue-ray disk and you just wanted to cut out parts of the dvd that you didnt want then you wouldnt be able to, and even if you just wanted to compress it down enough so its still good quality but smaller so you could save a few gig on your hard drive.
Sorry if my post was misleading, but i was talking about a continuation of DvDShrink just without the decryption.
and thanks LIGHTNING UK! for the info on Nero Recode, ill try it out.
Hi, First great work with Imgburn, keep it up.
I was wondering if you, LIGHTNINGUK would consider making a DvDauthoring tool just like DvDShrink?
I think it would be a good idea since DvDShrink cant keep up with current DvDs for much longer, and it would be a great combonation with Imgburn.
Hope you read this.