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helen4474's Achievements

ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Excellent, many thanks for that, it worked
  2. Hi there, I don't know if anyone can help but i'm having problems using Imageburn in conjunction with DVD Flick. I have installed the latest version which opens fine. But when i'm using DVD Flick it opens an older version 2.3 something and always prompts me to install a new version??? I only have one program of imageburn installed so can't work out why it says this eveytime. It still works ok so I can live with it if I have to just wondered if anyone can help? Many Thanks Helen
  3. Thanks very much for the help, i've managed to do it and unfortunately it doesn't work, any further advice greatfully received.
  4. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. I've made a DVD of several episodes of 'Numberjacks' for my son, it's become quite scratched so I want to copy it before its beyond repair. I usually copy films with 'One Click DVD Copy' but it won't accept this DVD. I have copied the DVD onto my computer but cannot burn it. It has created a folder with the following files VR_MANGR.IFO & VR_MANGR.BUP & VR_MOVIE.VRO I've asked advice on the cd freaks forum and they said to use this program and copy the disc to an .ISO image file onto my harddisk. Then write this iimage file onto a new blank disc. How on earth do you use this program, there are no instructions that I can find, any help will be greatfully received.
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