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Everything posted by Janset

  1. I found it. I closed the site and then opened up again...I think that is how i got the button to appear. Very fiendish me thinks! Regards
  2. Hi all. I have a .ISO file on my PC which I would like to burn to a CD so that I can take and use on another machine to load a program. What functionality do I click on when using the IMGBurn program as I can see no reference relating to .ISO, How do I go about it? Regards
  3. Hi there. Something is very wrong here. I want to post on a new topic but I cannot find the "post new" button anywhere. The best that I can do is to find a paled out "You cannot post here", and yet I am logged in. Why is this so? Regards
  4. Thanks guys. Regards
  5. Hi there. Thanks for that. To sum up, with CD's, any "-" variations and with DVD, anything goes. Regards
  6. Hi all. I am a newby to this forum so I would like to ask a rather obvious question, on something that I need enlightenment. What media format can be used when burning to a disc using imgburn for both CD's, DVD's, and DL DVD's; in other words do I buy the "+ or -" format? Regards
  7. Thank guys. renshaw8, yours sounds the easiest. I will give that a try first. If I do not get any joy then will go the other path. Regards
  8. Hi all. From time to time something goes wrong with a DVD burn, yet when I look at the )blank) DVD it appears that no action was taken upon same. In Imgburn, how do I go about testing the blank disc to check if it still O.K. or has it been rendered into a coaster? Regards
  9. O.K. Thanks, that cleared that up. Regards
  10. Hi there. Isn't ImgBurn more or less an advanced DVD Decrypter? That used to decrypt coded movies. Regards.
  11. Hi there. A long time ago I used DVD Decrypt and DVD Shrink to do backups of my favourite movies until I ran out of movies. I now have a few more new ones that I would like to back up but as usual I would rather use a single layer DVD as they are cheaper and not a great loss if the grand kids destroy them. This brings me to my question. I have now downloaded a new version of Imgburn to try it out. If all goes as planned, do I still need to use DVD Shrink to make them fit onto a single layer DVD? Is there anything that you can suggest that I should know or remember as us geriactrics have been know to forget a thing or to over time. Regards
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