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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thanks so much for your response. I was very confused about that. So can you tell me why when I follow the directions in the guide for building and writing directly to my burner it completes the task, but I cannot watch it? I would really appreciate your help. I'm not dumb just really new to this. Thanks so much.
  2. Yeah, but are not all discs protected? For example I rented two movies, one shrink copied perfectly no problem, but the other is the one I'm having trouble with. BB has all of their discs protected don't they? Anyway, I'd still really like to know how it all works. I'm still confused about the other stuff in my post. Can you help me out? I would really appreciate it. Also is there any way to bus through the protection?
  3. Hi I need some help here. I use DVD Shrink, but also got Nero with my burner. Anyway, I was having a hard time burning this one DVD with Shrink so I looked for a program that will bust through the protection and Imgburn came up. Problem is I don't understand if I am supposed to use this in conjunction with Shrink or if I don't need to use Shrink at all? I made a couple successful copies both to my hard drive and direct to blank dvd, but just got coasters. It is recognized by my pc player as a movie, but will not play it. I followed the guide for building, but obviously missed something somewhere. Lastly, when I browse files the audio ts file is always empty, how does the audio get copied? Please help.Thanks -Frank
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