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Everything posted by mattyjsmith

  1. come on people im not running anything down here but look at the facts, i have used imgburn and nero 7 and i have had failures. i then use clone cd and everthing is fine, you read into that what you wish but im just saying i no longer have problems using cheaper discs with my dvr112. im sure verbatims are much much better, but who wants to pay twice as much for media if you dont have to. thanks again to everyone who has helped me.
  2. burnt image with nero 7 premium and had internal target failure, burnt image with CloneCD and worked perfect. conclusion : imgburn is fussy with media possibly. thanks for everyones help but i think if im using cheap media imgburn is not really the best option.
  3. done the firmware update to 1.21 and still having same error, i will buy verbatim discs tomorrow and try again. i am wondering if the dvr 112 is a bit of a problem drive reading about it in other forums ? anyway lets not judge just yet untill i try the verbatims. i have a funny feeling the new discs are not going to cure my problem but we will see. thanks again and i will keep you posted.
  4. ok i am going to get vertabins, that should rule out any media problems. i didnt know there was a newer firmware so i will also update that. sorry for sounding dumb but i thought i had read the layer break had to be set manually to 1913760 ? could my problems be vista related ? thanks again
  5. i admit i dont really know if what i am doing is correct, i am trying to burn an image ( 360 game ) and i am getting an I/O error. i am using datawrite d/l 10x dvd + r discs. this is the problem //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version - Log ; Thursday, 31 May 2007, 22:04:06 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 19:52:34 ImgBurn Version started! I 19:52:34 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (6.0, Build 6000) I 19:52:34 Total Physical Memory: 1,046,720 KB - Available: 562,000 KB I 19:52:34 Initialising SPTI... I 19:52:34 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 19:52:34 Found 1 DVD
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