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Posts posted by alkalinelito

  1. Hi, i bought some Verbatims DL DVD's ( MKM-001-00 ), The disc shows "2.4x", and in the box says "Up to 6x"


    But imgBurn Supported Write Speeds says 4x.

    That's actually your drive's supported speed with those discs; Imgburn is just reporting it.

    My question is should I "force" 2.4x or go with 4x, or update the drive firmware?.

    Definitely update your firmware - looks like there's a newer version (SB04):



    If you "forced" 2.4x, the drive would burn it at 4x (if that's all that's supported) anyway, so that would have no effect.


    Thanks for the quick reply, I'll update the firmware when i get home and post results.

    Is there any web page that actually reports what the updated firmware actually fixes/add ?

  2. Hi, i bought some Verbatims DL DVD's ( MKM-001-00 ), The disc shows "2.4x", and in the box says "Up to 6x"


    But imgBurn Supported Write Speeds says 4x.


    My question is should I "force" 2.4x or go with 4x, or update the drive firmware?.


    imgBurn drive and dvd info:


    TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB01 (ATA)

    Current Profile: DVD+R DL


    Disc Information:

    Status: Empty

    State of Last Session: Empty

    Erasable: No

    Free Sectors: 4,173,824

    Free Space: 8,547,991,552 bytes

    Free Time: 927:32:74 (MM:SS:FF)

    Next Writable Address: 0

    Supported Write Speeds: 4x


    DVD±R DL Boundary Information:

    L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912

    Changeable: Yes


    Physical Format Information (ADIP - L0):

    Disc ID: MKM-001-00

    Book Type: DVD+R DL

    Part Version: 1

    Disc Size: 120mm

    Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

    Number of Layers: 2

    Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP)

    Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit

    Track Density: 0.74 um/track

    First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608

    Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,580,607

    Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2,283,519

  3. Ok, first of all please Dont flame me, maybe i got some concepts wrong. (And sorry my bad english)

    I'm trying to remove the existence of nero in my computer, i still use it for data dvd.

    All the guides i have read about Build mode are for burning VIEDO_TS folder, dvd video disk. You select the VIDEO_TS folder, imgBurn creates the iso with the video dvd standards, VIDEO_TS folder AUDIO_TS folder and other stuff i guess for creating the video dvd complaint disc.


    Any when you are going create a regular data dvd , with tons of stuff, avi's, jpeg, etc etc. imgBurns detects no presence of VIDEO_TS folder and creates a regular data dvd? . Or Video DVD are regular data disc too ?

    Because in most programs , creating a data dvd, or a video dvd from video_ts folders, are separate options . And this is where my confusion comes from. because it seems that imgBurns has unified both process


    Well thanks in advance

  4. Hello, I always use Verbatim media to burn dvd's . Right now im using 8x verbatim. I always used Elaborate bytes clonedvd to burn isos and VideoTS folders etc, and i always used 4x speed. And nero only for data. (And Nero only allows me to burn at 6x or 8x)


    I decided to search a more advanced specific iso writing program and i came across imgburn and its great!.

    Anyway to the question: imgBurn says this "Supported Write Speeds: 6x; 8x" same as nero, but i still can select any speed i want in the drop down menu. And i dont know if i should select 8x, i always burned dvd at 4x and i want to achieve best possible results and compatibility, Should i force 4x ? Or select 6x ? (I never used 6x) Or 8x ?. If i select auto imgBurn burns at 8x. I dont care about speed, i just want the best results/compatibility aka: good burn :) . Oh one more thing The Verbatim box says 1x-8x.


    So which speed you guys recommend ?


    Thanks in advane.


    imgBurn Media Information:


    Current Profile: DVD+R
    Disc Information:
    Status: Empty
    Erasable: No
    Free Sectors: 2.295.104
    Free Space: 4.700.372.992 bytes
    Free Time: 510:03:29 (MM:SS:FF)
    Supported Write Speeds: 6x; 8x
    Physical Format Information (ADIP):
    Disc ID: MCC-003-00
    Book Type: DVD+R
    Part Version: 1
    Disc Size: 120mm
    Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified
    Number of Layers: 1
    Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)
    Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit
    Track Density: 0.74 um/track
    First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608
    Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2.491.711
    Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0
    Physical Format Information (Last Recorded):
    Disc ID: MCC-003-00
    Book Type: DVD+R
    Part Version: 1
    Disc Size: 120mm
    Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified
    Number of Layers: 1
    Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)
    Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit
    Track Density: 0.74 um/track
    First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608
    Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2.491.711
    Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0


    DVDInfoPro media info:

    Region information									N/A not a DVD-VIDEO
    Media code/Manufacturer ID									MCC	 003
    Media Product Revision Number										 00h
    Format Capacity												Blank Disc
    Free Blocks													 405405696
    Free Capacity											  4.38GB(4.70GB)
    Book Type														   DVD+R
    Media Type														  DVD+R
    Manufacturer Rated Speed								   8.0x 11080KBps
    Available Write Descriptor						   CLV  8.0x  11080KBps
    Available Write Descriptor						   CLV  6.0x   8310KBps
    Data area starting sector										  30000h
    Linear Density												0.267um/bit
    Track Density												0.74um/track
    Number of Layers														1
    					   Complete Media Code						   
    00000000 08 02 00 00 A1 0F 02 00 00 03 00 00 00 26 05 3F .............&.?
    00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 4D 43 43 00 00 00 00 00 30 .......MCC.....0
    00000020 30 33 00 38 23 54 37 12 02 42 6E 02 A8 6B 15 15 03.8#T7..Bn..k..
    00000030 0B 0B 08 08 01 19 1B 0C 0C 0C 0D 01 00 00 00 00 ................

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