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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thank you for your response. I didnt mean any offence by asking about menu jumping: i was simply a bit unsure why it happened and whether it was related to encryption etc. =)
  2. Hi there, i love imgburn but recently i've been trying to find answers to these questions: 1. I have an LG drive and before i burn a DVD+R/DVD+R DL disk i always go into booktype and change the setting to DVD-ROM for my inserted media (i heard the booktype gets reset each login for LG drives). However, i would like to know if I change the booktype in IMGBURN and then try and burn a disk with NERO, will the booktype of the burned media be DVD-ROM or will i have to manually change the booktype in nero as well ~ hence the booktype is decided by the burning software's configuration not some info flashed onto the drive. 2. I recently used DVD decrypter to make an image of a DVD on my HD. I then burned the image to a DVD+R DL using imgburn (selecting the .mds file). However, after trying to playback the burned media i discovered that my burn had actually maintained it's copy protection i.e. on my copied disk i couldnt jump sraight to the main menu etc. (but after using anyDVD i could). Is this normal or should backups made in this way have no encryption? EDIT: After viewing the copied DVD in DVD decrypter it appears as though it's not actually encrypted. However, i'm still unsure what's making me unable to jump straight to the menu unless i have a CCS decoder like AnyDVD active... If anyone could help i'd really appreciate it.
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