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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. kman, Are we talking Imgburn here or DVD Decrypter. DVD Decrypter hasn't been supported for a couple of years now. Imgburn is supported by this forum and unlike Decrypter will not RIP anything. Imgburn is a burning only app unlike its predecessor and will not decrypt ( RIP ) anything. Kevdriver. It looks like it was dycryptor used to backup a non copyrighted dvd. I kind of thought imgburn and dycryptor were like the same company or something. Thought maybe a check box in read mode might have caused the problem?
  2. I have the exact same problem today. I burn an iso and all works fine eccept dvd wont play on my stand alone, it does work on pc and my friends stand alone. The only thing i did different is rip in iso mode where as usaually i rip in file mode and then convert as im burning? Any ideas?
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