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Everything posted by Andersk

  1. Hi Thats reasonable. I do not know anything about the windows API for disk access / multimedia access, but in my experience with other API's that there is many options to be used when calling an API. Hopefully you will not be too offended that if i had a wild guess I would think that the API has set an option - of lets say - "do not use write delay" - or any option that is required for the timing of the burning operation (what about:"update and synchronize the fat table for every block ?) and a harddisk is so quick that it has no impact on the overal speed. NB maybe it is the problem that usb memory is using FAT? But as I have said that packagers, multiedia, converters (i.e a lots of programs) - and even microsofts own programs can save files to an USB memory stick (usb 2 ) to app 2-5 mbyte / second. As my native language is not english I hope that I have not offended you If I find anything on the subject i will post again. Anders K
  2. Hi I am using USB devices (memory sticks, harddisks and dvd burner) , for backup and other stuf. The good thing is that if you put two or more USB devices it is extremly effecient. for example when running a dvd converter using a wmf file on one USB memory stick and saving the converted file on another usb device it doesnt use much of the CPU). Img burn however is rather slow with any of the different usb sticks I have tried. When building two files to an iso file on a USB device, the overall time is app 15 minutes for 350 mb. For comparasing I have tried to create a truecrypt file on the same USB device, and imgburn is now using app 4-5 minutes to build 350 mb iso. However the cpu is used (compared to the version building directly on the USB device). I do not know if this a bug or rather a wish for an enhancement but I think that it would be nice if imgburn was quicker when using usb devices Anders Karbek
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