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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thank you. That sounds good! What is the best (slowest?) write speed that I should specify?
  2. I want to burn music to a CD at high quality. Does IMGBurn have options to vary the burn rate or is it fixed at one rate? Thank you
  3. Copied a movie from TV to DVD-RW. Pl.ays in TV, but computer says there are no files on disc (empty). Tried finalizing DVD on player but was aborted. Any way to read the DVD on my computer and/or finalize it?
  4. Thanks for the help. DVDFlick did the trick.
  5. Thanks, I meant a wmv file NOT wav
  6. The mp4 file is a video taken of me doinbg some stunts and I want to put it on a dvd to view in the future on a dvd player. It has music but I can live without that. It is about 5 minutes long The wav file I have is also one of amateur video that I want to keep on a dvd so that I can view it with my friends. The wav file was emailed to me and took forever to load even though it is only 6 minutes long. It is now on my hard drive It would be nice if I could put both of them on one dvd. As I said in my question, I am a NOVICE and most of the FAQ, etc are rather techinical and more suited to experienced users.
  7. Somebody video'd me doing stuff and I want to burn to DVD. The file is an mp4 and I can view it in Quicktime. How can I burn it to a dvd? I also have a wav file I would ideally like to burn to the same dvd. I am a novice and really don't want to buy any software as this is just an occasional thing. I do have various programs on my Media Center computer Any help is appreciated
  8. Eventually(after I figure everything out -it's not so easy!) I want to copy a DVD. Right now, I just want to know what that message meant. Why would images still be "qued" if the read function was successfully completed?
  9. I don't have Recode. Are there any freeware programs out there? I'm sorry to be coming back to this after almost a year. Now I don't know how I got the .gi files in the first place! CAn you help?
  10. Using the Write function, I now have two files on my hard drive: a xxx.ISO and a xxx.MDS. the read mode only recognizes the DVD drive. How do I proceed? The read mode was completed, but when I went to close IB got message that "There are some images still qued up for burning" What are these? And can I close out IB? Thanks
  11. Yes, I can play and burn DVD's on my computer. I would think that since there is "information" on the DVD, there might be some "exotic" program somewhere that could access the data. Firmware, I'm not sure what that is but will research it. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING P.S. Although this site says that I am receiving Email notification, I DID NOT get your reply.
  12. I recorded a show onto a -RWDVD. It plays on the dvd player fine. I wanted to edit it and then burn to a -R disc. BUT, my computer "E" drive says the disc is blank. I also tried "reading" it in ImgBurn but also came up"blank" Is ther any way to access the files via my computer? (XP Media Center)
  13. Thanks. I thought it was a tool in IB or Recode
  14. I've looked but don't see DAEMON Tools. Where would they be?
  15. Thanks, I'll check it out.
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