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Everything posted by Sliztzan

  1. what type of files? type some the file names here including the extensions.
  2. Hey Guys I recently did some house cleaning on my computer and also removed PowerDVD. I used ImgBurn Tools to check the Filter Drivers and found a Upper Class that is '[Not Found]' ( Please see attached photo ) Should I remove this or won't it effect anything? Edit: Well actually it doesn't even give me the option to remove it, so now I remained cornfused. Thank you!
  3. Oh ok. I see that works with the ones I create with ImgBurn. It doesn't work with some others though. Probably the reason there isn't a tool to do that is from lack of need. I'll just create a folder to put these oddballs in and use the folder name to describe what it is. Thanks.
  4. The charactors don't show themselves if the filename is longer than 8 characters. Is there a certain way the file should be open with long filenames?
  5. thanks mmalves Sounds like the exact solution I need. thank you too Cynthia.
  6. Thank you Cynthia I did not make the original MDS file or the ISO. Will creating a new one make a perfect match ( with same layer breaks and everything else ) from the original MDS with the exception of the name?
  7. Hi guys, I wish everyone well and hope your holiday was nice if you celebrated Thanksgiving. I've not been able to fine anyway to edit the MDS file. The reason for this is because I would like to rename the ISO and the MDS file will not work when I do that. I am not able to burn this to DVD right now, so I will be archiving on another drive and wish to rename it to something more recognizable for future use. I've opened the file with notepad and changed the name in the file to match the renamed ISO, but I don't think this is proper way to do this, and it does not work. I'm sure there is some tool or easy way, but I cannot find the answer.
  8. Thank you Lightning
  9. This is something I'm probably misunderstanding. I thought that a DVD burner couldn't burn a PTP DVD? This is identified as PTP DVD and I made a ISO from it and then burned the image to a DVD5 with no problems. I'm stumped (not that it's hard to do that) Would you mind explaining to clear up my bewilderment? It's a retail DVD. TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S203N SB02 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD-ROM Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 2,132,608 Size: 4,367,581,184 bytes Time: 473:56:58 (MM:SS:FF) TOC Information: Session 1... (LBA: 0) -> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 2132607) -> LeadOut (LBA: 2132608) Track Information: Session 1... -> Track 01 (LTSA: 0, TS: 2132608, LRA: 0) Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Book Type: DVD-ROM Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: 10.08Mbps Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,329,215 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 ; //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version - Log ; Wednesday, 08 October 2008, 15:28:43 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 15:11:14 ImgBurn Version started! I 15:11:14 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 15:11:14 Total Physical Memory: 3,143,404 KB - Available: 2,323,152 KB I 15:11:14 Initialising SPTI... I 15:11:14 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 15:11:14 Found 1 DVD
  10. Hi, just remembered this issue and told you I'd get back to you. Your suggestion worked perfectly Cynthia. Thanks much
  11. Oh, I see the point now. I 'eeked' when I saw shrink mentioned. I do understand its good to stay away from the edges whenever possible. Thanks.
  12. No I didn't shrink it. So far, after 3 more burns the issue hasn't occurred after installing the new firmware.
  13. Yes, I saw the change with a previous revision. I never had any 'error outs' so I enabled it thinking keeping it enabled would give me a better (Optimum) burn , such as in the days of cassette recorders you could align the recording heads, on high end equipment, to give you a better quality recording. Is this option only for specific drives?
  14. Hi blutach. I'm happy with my results too, and this drive. It was recommended (I think by you, excuse me if I'm wrong) here and I'm very happy with this drive. Who could be happier with a 98-99 quality rating I'm not understanding why you turn it off? Within the ImgBurn options I have it enabled also. Would you please explain a bit? Thanks.
  15. hey, how cool is that. thanks for looking up that link for me. that kinda stuff is amazing to me. there is always some cool new toy with computers. ....last 2 burns no problem. gotta get some more to burn.
  16. OK Firmware update done. Will post another note if it persists. Oh, and thanks much for the firmware link! I have been seeing at cd freaks some sb02 patched firmware. Any thoughts about that? I've never used patched firmware, though some swear by it for reasons I don't know. (haven't done much reading).
  17. There's firmware SB02 available for your burner. Remove any disc and close the tray before updating. Reboot the computer after the update has finished. See if this helps with your problem. You may also want to try burning at 8x. By the way, where are your Verbatim blanks made? Singapore? India? It's written in the packaging/box/spindle. Oh shoot. I thought I had recent. Sorry about that. I was just looking for current firmware. Don't know how I missed that. I do want to let you know though, that the firmware checker isn't working anymore with IB. Now it only takes you to the homepage of a site. The discs (DVD+R) Single Layer are made in Taiwan 95037 I'm doing the update to firmware now. It didn't happen on this burn I just did.
  18. Hi, Thanks again for IB, I love your program and your new CD music cd cue burning works great. Great addition I noticed this in some of my recent burns to Verbatim DVD5 discs that I've used for a long time. This might have gone unnoticed in the past, I just don't know. It doesn't happen on every burn. Seems to be every third burn or so. The discs verify perfectly and the quality reports are averaging 98-99 percent. Is this anything to be of concern? Should it be a warning sign of a failing drive or anything else? The drive is almost new and the discs play fine. Is there some setting I need to change? Thank you for your help once again! I 18:56:41 ImgBurn Version started! I 18:56:41 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 18:56:41 Total Physical Memory: 3,143,404 KB - Available: 2,468,564 KB I 18:56:41 Initialising SPTI... I 18:56:41 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 18:56:41 Found 1 DVD
  19. Many are and have been wondering what the deal is with the India produced DVD+R Part No. 95310 that many are or were getting more coasters/bad quality burns with blanks made in India. Here is some new info for you. I just found out yesterday after talking with the Verbatim Rep for Newegg, that Newegg is their biggest customer. She mentioned to me that the factory in India did have some quality control problems/errors that resulted in bad lots being distributed, but now the problem has be fixed awhile ago. It was a new plant for them and like any new facility, training and new help are always an issue. Newegg only gets lots that are made in Singapore now. Distributors are not allowed to know where the lots come from, but Verbatim identifies the lots by the numbers after the part number, i.e. 95310-xx which can only be seen by Verbatim internally and is not printed anywhere. The individual Verbatim sales reps know which lots their customers received. Most of the ones from India were removed from Newegg, but there could be some around because they have 3 warehouses in the USA. Singapore is a smaller facility and produces all the 'new' product. They are currently still producing the 95310 and 95484. India is also still producing the 95310 and these are distributed to other retailers too, which we didn't go into. By the way, currently the 95484 are only produced in Singapore. She would like us to try the newer India discs which she says are good now. But if you want to stick with Singapore, stick with Newegg. I had a really nice conversation with her and was very impressed with her candor. She mentioned to me that one of Verbatim's management (Mitsibushi) lives near me and that if I did get a batch from India from Newegg (very unlikely) and was not happy with them, she would trade them out through him, for me. That was super nice. Originally Newegg gave me her phone number after I posted a email question to them about their lots. If I do oddly get a batch from India , I will certainly give Verbatim the benefit of doubt and test them. I was really glad to get this cleared up. I've been trying to find out for months, but when I finally ran out of Singapore blanks I got the answer.
  20. Ok thanks. I just found out yesterday after talking with the Verbatim Rep for Newegg, that Newegg is their biggest customer. She mentioned to me that the factory in India did have some quality control problems/errors that resulted in bad lots being distributed, but now the problem has be fixed awhile ago. It was a new plant for them and like any new facility, training and new help are always an issue. Newegg only gets lots that are made in Singapore now. Distributors are not allowed to know where the lots come from, but Verbatim identifies the lots by the numbers after the part number, i.e. 95310-xx which can only be seen by Verbatim internally and is not printed anywhere. The individual Verbatim sales reps know which lots their customers received. Most of the ones from India were removed from Newegg, but there could be some around because they have 3 warehouses in the USA. Singapore is a smaller facility and produces all the 'new' product. They are currently still producing the 95310 and 95484. India is also still producing the 95310 and these are distributed to other retailers too, which we didn't go into. By the way, currently the 95484 are only produced in Singapore. She would like us to try the newer India discs which she says are good now. But if you want to stick with Singapore, stick with Newegg. I had a really nice conversation with her and was very impressed with her candor. She mentioned to me that one of Verbatim's management (Mitsibushi) lives near me and that if I did get a batch from India from Newegg (very unlikely) and was not happy with them, she would trade them out through him, for me. That was super nice. Originally Newegg gave me her phone number after I posted a email question to them about their lots. If I do oddly get a batch from India , I will certainly give Verbatim the benefit of doubt and test them.
  21. that review was almost a year ago.
  22. How did the lot of blanks from Ebay work out guys? Just found this thread while searching for info about the India lot. I'm out of blanks.
  23. Why would media be an issue? The original retail DVD plays fine in my external home DVD player as well in my bedroom DVD player.
  24. I would think that would be easy enough to tell, without really knowing if thats true, since the way the formats are burned differently. I got the error message before it started burning. I had OPC enabled and I'm not sure if that had anything to do with the recognition of the problem with the disc image. But if the original DVD Video disc is OTP and we use IB to create the image of the OTP disc might we get this error when we go to burn the DVD Video image to a DL DVD or does it only exist with an image created from a PTP DVD Video Disc?
  25. If this is a specific error for this specific issue a message such as 'you cannot (or should not?) burn this PTP image. Contents must be extracted and burned in build mode for OTP drives' Maybe that would be more helpful for dummies like me.
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