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Everything posted by Béèm

  1. Thanks, usefull tip. I see now I used the wrong words to search the forum; so didn't fall on this post.
  2. Thank you. This is how I operate: 1 - open windows explorer 2 - go to the iso file to be burned and double click. 3 - imgburn opens with the source selected. 4 - I close windows explorer to be sure 5 - click on write. Then I have the msg and I push continue and the burn seems to be made correctly as I can browse and execute the burned files. As far as I see, no other program which could use the burner is running.
  3. Almost all the time I have this message "Failed to lock volume for exclusive access" now when trying to burn. When I push continue the burn starts and seems to be ok. This happens with blank media or already written media. Any idea how come?
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