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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Updated the firmware right after I installed it, cheers!
  2. I picked up this drive today: http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku...G%20Electronics Burned the same file I was trying to from when I originally posted and went smoothly with no problems what-so-ever.
  3. I haven't had any problems with DVD drives in the past, but since I have now I'm gonna go balls out and buy the latest and greatest. When it comes to I/O errors is it always usually the hardware or media that causes them and not the operating system? Just wanted to clarify.
  4. ^ Bump
  5. Alright, which is the better of these two drives? : http://www.bestbuy.ca/catalog/proddetail.a...amp;catid=20236 or http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...7476&catid= I haven't been following computer hardware for sometime now, so I don't know if a SATA dvd drive would be the better way to go versus a IDE one.
  6. Also just tried cleaning the lens, didn't help either. I also noticed that i have NO Imapi CD burning service (vista) Could that be why it's not burning?
  7. From device manager? I tried that and no luck.
  8. yup, to no avail... I don't understand why the odd disc in the stack will burn @4X fine, but the rest keep coming up with the I/O error?
  9. It's weird cause I have CD-r's and it burns them fine, but when it comes to dvd's it's a whole different story.
  10. How would I go about cleaning the lens?
  11. So i've been trying to burn a game ISO with verbatim DVD+R disks, and have gone through about 20 (roughly) trying to it to burn but this stupid I/O error message keeps popping up and it's getting really frustrating. I'm pretty sure my drive has the latest firmware (can't find much about it on google). The weird thing is, a couple times prior to this i'd go through like half a stack of dvd's and the odd one would burn. Does that mean these dvds went bad or something? I 13:00:40 ImgBurn Version started!I 13:00:40 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (6.0, Build 6002 : Service Pack 2)[attachment=5927:fail.jpg] I 13:00:40 Total Physical Memory: 1,047,116 KB - Available: 409,480 KB I 13:00:40 Initialising SPTI... I 13:00:40 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 13:00:40 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD
  12. heh , I wish I could of got the 100 pack of verbatims on sale for 27.99(save 35$ or something) but I had to go with the 50 pack for 35.99 cause they had none in stock oh well, the price you pay for quality I guess
  13. The burn went flawlessly at 4x which is what I always burn disc images at One question though, what should I do with these fujifilms? I'm guessing most if not all are bunk. I've got about 10 left
  14. Well the verbatims I bought are MCC dye, let's see if this will burn now
  15. Cool, I'll pick up a 50 pack of verbatim DVD-r's tomorrow, can't find any taiyo's around Are you certain that it's most likely the dvd's that are causing this annoying error? I used to be able to burn iso's onto them fine before...
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