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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. LG writer model GSA-E4ON
  2. Ok thanks,I left them in for now until I no a little more about dvd burning. I have another question,I burned a couple of dvd's that will not play on my player. It only plays on my computer,the dvd is memorex not verbium is that why. Thank's JOE
  3. Thanks,that did it I used another one in the back. When I downloaded this LG writer it came with nero and cyberlink do I need those programs along with it or can I remove them. Thanks Again P.S....what is the NERO DMA manager mean,what is it used for.
  4. I bought an LG writer model GSA-E4ON today and after I installed it and also lightscribe my computer would get stuck on windows and would not turn on. I unpluged the LG which is a external writer and it started up,is there another program I must install for this to run properly. Thanks
  5. Looking to buy my first dvd burner but no nothing at all,can someone give me a couple of brand names to buy or stay away from. Thank's Joe
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