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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. thank you for the imput, is there a way to contact the company to ask for permission, it says that you can not make copies without the written concent of... how would one go about getting written concent to do a copy?
  2. Is it illegal to make copies of a disk for your own protection?
  3. I just want to make a usable copy of a movie. I have kids and they destroy everything they get there hands on, and I just invested alot of money in the Freddy Krueger serie and I want to put hte orignals away but I cant do that until I make a copy of them for the kids to watch. I am blonde but very cleaver, and I cant figure this process out. Too many options. I just need to make a copy of the disk. I have tried and failed each time. after I try each time at the end of either writing or reading, my disk drive is gone, yes missing not there @ all. I have to restart b4 it will recognize i. Grrrrr It is almost halloween and I want to have a Scary movie nite with the kids, but I really dont want to use the orignals. If someone can lead me in the right direction or can explain steps I would be forever in debt to them. I was to this is the best program to use. I hope it is true!!!! Hoplessly lost!!! Sunflowerzs
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