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ISF Newbie

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  1. I use ConvertXtoDVD with the default setting for a DVD-9 is 8100MB. Sometimes it goes over to like 8149MB or so. Sometimes when it does that and I load ImgBURN it says the file is bigger than the media or something like that. If I drop it to 8000MB I never have any problems at all. I use Verbatim 2.4x, made in Singapore. Is there something in ImgBurn that I can increase in the options to use 8100MB? If not, how come the file is to big?
  2. K, thnx. I thought it always showed you where to create a LB. Must have just been coincidence then because it always did before the update.
  3. I'm trying to make a DVD. I select VIDEO_TS, says the end of the world thing. I can either Cancel or continue, that's it. I don't know why it's doing this. All I did was reinstall. Never had this prob before. Is there a link for the previous version available?
  4. Yes, I know how to and have done that before. The last version gave me all that info that I needed to know, on where to create the break at. However all I did was uninstall and reinstalled the update. After that I just get the end of the world screen, and no additional info like I did before. No recommended layer break or any thing like that.
  5. The only thing I did was uninstall and reinstall, now I get the "end of the world thing". It doesn't recommend where to create a layer break anymore.
  6. I have the previous versions used to tell me some info on where to make layer break at. After I updated it I don't get that info anymore. Is there something in the settings that I need to check to enable that? Thank-You, Doug
  7. (1) Which one should I choose since there are SOO many? (2) Can someone give me a short explanation what each of the things mean. (3) I also sometimes notice that the Automatic Write Speed doesn't save the correct setting. Is there a reason for that? I have version
  8. So has anyone had a problem with their DVD player locking up if the Seamless option isn't compatable with the player?
  9. Will this freeze lock up the DVD player?
  10. I would like to try a seamless DVD on my player. (1) Will it just not load when I put the DVD in, or lock up when it gets to a certain point if my DVD player doesn't support it? (2) If it will lock up how do I know where at in the movie it will lock up at? (3) Do I check the don't update box next to seamless option?
  11. DougB

    DVD +R DL

    What am I specifically looking for when I preview? Little or no action at the selected break.
  12. 4X did it, Thank-You. How and why did that matter? What changed besides the speed?
  13. They were made in Singapore. I got them from SuperMediaStore.
  14. DougB

    DVD +R DL

    How do you use the pre view function?
  15. I am having a problem with the dual layer DVD's. Single layer's burn fine though. I have tried various different files and I always get the "Power Calibration Area Error". Any help would be appreciated. ; //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version - Log ; Wednesday, 07 October 2009, 03:46:37 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 03:10:33 ImgBurn Version started! I 03:10:33 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 03:10:33 Total Physical Memory: 785,908 KB - Available: 456,392 KB I 03:10:33 Initialising SPTI... I 03:10:33 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 03:10:38 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD
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