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  1. Thanks for the information. This should work OK for me. What is the advantage of using an app like ImgBurn rather than just the built in burner with XP?
  2. Does XP have a burner built in the will do multisession burning?
  3. Is it possible to add additional data to a CD that has been previously burned and left open? I can do this with Nero, but can I do this with ImgBurn? If not, will this feature be added in the future?
  4. Thank you for the information. Thank you for your continuing develop of this great app.
  5. I am wondering if the new version has the ability to burn multi session CDs whereby I could keep adding to the CD after the initial burn. If not, do you expect to provide this feature in future versions? If so, when would this likely be available? Thank you
  6. I would also really appreciate this added feature when the developer has time to create it.
  7. It worked like a charm. So very smooth. I am so impressed with ImgBurn and the Guides that walk you through its use. I have to admit that I have felt intimidated by ImgBurn in the past. I think I will now have more confidence in my ability to use it. Thank you for answering my questions through this. I appreciate it.
  8. Thanks for the clarification. There may be an error in the third screen shot. I could not get the command to work with the ">" included. It worked for me with the following command: C:\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe /integrate:"C:\WXPVOL_EN" I am a novice with this so I do not understand why this happened.
  9. I am following the guide for creating an XP installation disc by slipstreaming sp3 to an original XP disc. In the guide, the original XP disc is XP sp1. My original disc is XP sp2. Will it work OK if I slipstream sp3 into it? Thanks for the help.
  10. Thanks for the information. I used an old version of Nero because I did not have ImgBurn on this computer at the time. I did an experiment to copy the disc with simulation and without simulation. The burn without simulation came up with errors on the Nero verification. The burn with simulation appeared to work OK but it was not possible to simulate it and also verify it by Nero. So I thought I better put ImgBurn on the computer and use it. Now, I want to just check the Nero burn to see if it is OK. I used CD-RW discs for these experiments and will now use CD-R for the final burns. Now, I am going to use your method in the guides for creating a XP disc by slipstreaming sp3 for a final burn using a CD-R disc. I have had only limited experience burning CDs and have tended to use an old version on Nero because I can add things to the disc later if needed and this is the first time that I have had a bad burn. I have been wanting to use ImgBurn more for discs that I know I won't want to add to later because I trust it to be more reliable and superior. I am hoping that you will eventually add the feature to be able to add to burnt discs after the initial burn. This experiment has shaken my trust in Nero. Thanks again for the help. I may be back after I get into this slipstream process.
  11. I made a copy of a XP CD using Nero. I am wanting to verify that it is correct. I see there is a Verify component to ImgBurn. If I am wanting to verify that the copy is the same as the original, do I have to Create an Image File of the original CD first, and then Verify the copy against this Image File? Or, is there a more direct way using the two CDs. Thanks for the help.
  12. Thanks and Happy New Year!
  13. Thanks
  14. I am wanting to make a copy of my Dell XP installation CD so that it will work as a bootable CD just like the original. Please confirm if this procedure is correct using the EZ-Mode: First, Create Image File from Disk Second, Write Image File to Disk Do I need to make any special settings in the process? Will the CD come out bootable? Thank you for the help.
  15. Is there any idea how soon multi session feature will be added.
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