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Everything posted by IanStorm

  1. I've just done it so - it works fine. One Question at last. Process Monitor don't show a registry entry to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\EventHandlers\PlayDVDMovieOnArrival I thougt there was one - when i inserted a DVD Movie then a Autoplay selection appears like "Read using ImgBurn". At last I will thank you very much for the great and fast support.
  2. Thank you for the fast help. I searched the internet and found out how to open the 32Bit registry (regedit -m). So in the 32 Bit Registry the right keys are there - but in 64 Bit they don't. Am I the only with this problem? For me it looks like a general 64Bit Vista Problem. I also tryed DVD Decr........ Same Problem. Or is it on my Vista installation, but I installed ImgBurn nearly the beginning of installation (right after Firewall and Antivirus).
  3. I've just tryed it and it wont work for me. I started ImgBurn as Admin - go into settings - unchecked and check both options at shell extensions. Closed ImgBurn - opened registry - no entry. Could you give me a registry file or only the parameters i can copy from the board into a file to enter the keys manualy? Now I looked with Process Monitor what ImgBurn writes to the registry. I found that the needed key will be created in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\EventHandlers\HandleDVDBurningOnArrival for what is the Wow6432Node key???
  4. I've just tryed it and it wont work for me. I started ImgBurn as Admin - go into settings - unchecked and check both options at shell extensions. Closed ImgBurn - opened registry - no entry. Could you give me a registry file or only the parameters i can copy from the board into a file to enter the keys manualy?
  5. Hallo, last weekend I upgraded from Vista x86 to Vista x64. But after installing ImgBurn under administrative rights the Autoplay Dialog of Vista when I insert a blank DVD dosn't show ImgBurn. I tryed to install it a few times but it won't work. So I found in this Forum that the Registry Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Autop layHandlers\EventHandlers\HandleDVDBurningOnArrival] descripes the autoplay applications. But ImgBurn dosn't write any information to this key. It only makes keys to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurn.AutoPlay.1 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurn.Build.1 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurn.Write.1 So ImgBurn can write to the registry. On Vista x86 it works fine but now I can't look back if the keys are there generated. Did anyone have the same issue?
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