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Everything posted by thaumielx72

  1. Hello. I recently purchased a laptop running an AMD 64 bit processor. Since I want to run a cpu intensive application on it exclusivelyI am trying to load it with a couple of different Linux operating systems. I had no luck getting my laptop to recognize any of the dvd's and cd's that should have booted on it. Then one did load, the Kanotix Live CD. I noticed that it did not have 1 single .iso file like the others but was expanded to show folders, VOB and the like. It would open under VISTA asking if I wanted to run it under autoplay. Unfortunately, Kanotix does not recognize my ethernet card so it's back to the ol' drawing board. I have tried to create 3 more DVD's and CD's using ImgBurn for other Linux systems with the same result. They all burn the one .ISO file on the disc and do not expand them. I was under the impression (from burning the Kanotix disc, which worked) that build would expand the .ISO file. Neverless, I have used this option on the last 3 discs and they have resulted in a burn with only 1 .iso file on it - no folders, and no VISTA asking to autoplay. Please tell what I am doing wrong . Thanks in advance.
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