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I have two modded 360 consoles which were obtained from the same company. One I acquired in March 2009 and am told it has the new 1.51 flash and the new wave 3 games ie Trivial Pursuit do work on it.


The second 360 was bought in September 2008 yet the new wave 3 games play on it. It can't have the new 1.51 flash so shouldn't play the games. I rang the company as I was worried that the flash may not be stealth and will end up getting banned on line. I was told that certain consoles depending on what drive they have are lucky enough to have the right code and do not need upgrading to 1.51 and they assure me it will have iXtreme flash and will be stealth.


Does anyone know if this is possible or are the company fobbing me off with a console that may get me banned from Xbox live.








This would be better explored on a board dedicated to the 360. We have nothing to do with that. In this case Google would be your friend... :thumbup:



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