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Ive been burning with imgburn for a long time. And everything has always worked out fine.

But now, suddenly nothing seems to work!

I cant burn 360 backups, i cant write DVD imgs, i cant even burn regular CDs!

And I cant figure out what is wrong!


I just tried to burn an img with pictures(in a big fat rar) that I made (made the img using imgburn).

It started and finished burning. And it seemed to be fine!

But then i tried to open the rar and it was corrupted!

And when i retried winrar froze. So i ejected the DVD.

And when i (whats the english word for "uneject" ? :P) loaded it again, explorer froze!

Something is not right here! :P


I use a TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H652L (samsung) with the latest firmware.

Someone please help me! >_<


Please read the pink bit at the top of this page (i.e. post the a log of a failed burn - look in ImgBurn's Help menu).




We could flash it and people still wouldn't read it mmalves. They just think their problem is so urgent, they can't be buggered reading what we actually need to help them solve it!




Im sorry.. :chair: on me..

Here is a log from when i tried to burn 360 backup (of a game I ofcourse own)


I 13:57:27 ImgBurn Version started!

I 13:57:27 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

I 13:57:27 Total Physical Memory: 2


Tommy, is it? Imgburn has nothing to do with your errors. All it does is send a set of instructions to your drive. It's up to your drive and your media to do as it's been told. Also, it doesn't matter how well you think your media has worked or apparently worked in the past. Your disks are garbage. About as bad as they get. Get some Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden and post another log. Nothing will improve while you're using Ritek media.


Nope, its not my pc. Im joel. :)

I gave my last dvd to a friend and it worked for him, but he has another drive soo. That does not tell us all that much.

Im sending after a pack with verbatim today! Ill come back with an update when ive tried them out!

Thank you all for your time! And thank you for not going berserk on my ass :)


OK Joel (who likes car rallies?)


Just make sure you get the Verbatim, +R, 2.4x, MKM-001-00, Made in Singapore. They seem to be the best / work in most burners.



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