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manually removing registry entries produced by ImgBurn


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I have recently ran your application accidentally when building up an image for my PC (as I had THOUGHT it was meant to be portable "out of the box" with no registry changes). Can you please send me a script or reg file to remove the registry entries rather than using the uninstall application?


Thanks in advance..

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No offence but why should I make the effort for you?


The uninstaller exists for a reason... why can't you just use that?


Umm.. we've deployed this image out to like 30 computers already (cloned using ghost).. I will need to fix our master image in the same way as well..


It would be nice if we can just push out a script to remove it rather than the whole app and uninstalling it that way..


Is there any way we can do this?



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What about if you install it on one pc, copy the uninstaller somewhere and then just psexec it to the 30 machines?


The problem is though, some machines are out in regional areas that have firewall limitations on coming back into a central point.


since it binds to the shell, it seems to be that whenever it finds an ISO type file, it will stall trying to find the exe (which was originally run from a server somewhere) and find some pee'd off users waiting 2 minutes to refresh the explorer screen.


I've created a reg file that basically undo's the shell type associations so far - and have tested it on a machine to be working ok.


Can you please have a look at it and see if there are other areas that I may have missed out?




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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT are the same thing, you don't need to remove from both.


The ones I was talking about are actually named 'ImgBurn.FileAssoc.iso', 'ImgBurn.FileAssoc.img' etc.


If you don't have them on your machine then that's fine... you are running though yeah?

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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT are the same thing, you don't need to remove from both.


The ones I was talking about are actually named 'ImgBurn.FileAssoc.iso', 'ImgBurn.FileAssoc.img' etc.


If you don't have them on your machine then that's fine... you are running though yeah?


Yes.. thats right.. its the older version that comes as part of the UBCD4Win Distribution from a year ago.. I've tried looking everywhere in the registry and there isnt any more other places with IMGBURN reference in this.


Thanks for you help in this.

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