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Hi all, I'm brand new at this. A friend recommended Imgburn to me to backup my programs etc. Can someone please guide me to the directions to do this. thanks gartzo

I meant that I want to put on to disc what I can. I havent any backup at all. Perhaps I can do some contentd Do I use the folder to disc. ?

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Ok but what I'm saying is that if you want a backup of your machine then you should use a proper tool for the job - and ImgBurn is NOT it.


ImgBurn is fine for backing up your documents / photos etc but it's not the correct tool to be using for a program / system backup - where you'd need the registry saved too.


If you're happy with just backing up your documents / photos, use the 'Write files/folder to disc' or 'Create image file from files/folders' option.

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Hi all, I'm brand new at this. A friend recommended Imgburn to me to backup my programs etc. Can someone please guide me to the directions to do this. thanks gartzo

I meant that I want to put on to disc what I can. I havent any backup at all. Perhaps I can do some contentd Do I use the folder to disc. ?

Thank you Lighting. Shall do as you said.

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