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Failing to write


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I have been using img for quite a while now, and never had any problem until 4 days ago, when I can't seem to burn any dvd at all. I tried uninstalling and installing it again, I tried different brands of media, and nothing works.

:unsure: unfortunatelly I don't have the log in here because for some reason before I could copy it, I clicked on cancel the option asked me and next thing I know img was shutting down. I know, I know.. what a bummer!!! Im not computer savvy AT ALL!

However, the reason given was: "LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS OUT OF RANGE"


Please someone help me. Thanks a lot.

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Even if you did not save the log - it should have been saved by the program by default setting.


Try to look here:


Main Menu -> Help - > ImgBurn Logs


Also see post #2.


Or did you use another program first that called up ImgBurn for the burning task? If so which one?


Another option to find a log: Do a new burn.

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