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DVD+R detected as DVD+RW


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Hi all,

This is driving me insane. I use Imgburn since version 1.x.xx.

Lately when I try to burn a DVD+R (build mode) it always says drive needs formating.

Of course it fails doing so, since the disc it's not erasable.


Current Profile: DVD+RW

Disc Information:
Status: Empty
Erasable: Yes
Formatted: No
Free Sectors: 2.295.104
Free Space: 4.700.372.992 bytes
Free Time: 510:03:29 (MM:SS:FF)
Supported Write Speeds: 4x; 6x; 8x

Physical Format Information (ADIP):
Disc ID: MCC-004-00
Book Type: DVD+R
Part Version: 1
Disc Size: 120mm
Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified
Number of Layers: 1
Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)
Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit
Track Density: 0.74 um/track
First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608
Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2.491.711
Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0

Physical Format Information (Last Recorded):
Disc ID: MCC-004-00
Book Type: DVD+R
Part Version: 1
Disc Size: 120mm
Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified
Number of Layers: 1
Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)
Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit
Track Density: 0.74 um/track
First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608
Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2.491.711
Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0

Format Capacities:
DT: 0x01 - NB: 2295104 (0x00230540) - TDP: 2048
FT: 0x26 - NB: 2295104 (0x00230540) - TDP: 0

Performance (Write Speeds):
Descriptor 1...
-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2295103 (0x0023053F)
-> RS: 16.620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 5.540 KB/s (4x)
Descriptor 2...
-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2295103 (0x0023053F)
-> RS: 16.620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 8.310 KB/s (6x)
Descriptor 3...
-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2295103 (0x0023053F)
-> RS: 16.620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 11.080 KB/s (8x)


This is what DVD Identifier shows.

Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD+R:MCC-004-000]
Disc & Book Type :       [DVD+R] - [DVD+R]
Manufacturer Name :      [Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.]
Manufacturer ID :        [MCC]
Media Type ID :          [004]
Product Revision :       [Not Specified]
Blank Disc Capacity :    [2,295,104 Sectors = 4.70 GB (4.38 GiB)]
Recording Speeds :       [1x-2.4x , 4x , 6x-8x , 6x-16x]
[ DVD Identifier V5.2.0 - [url="http://DVD.Identifier.CDfreaks.com"]http://DVD.Identifier.CDfreaks.com[/url] ]


I've updated imgburn and drive firmware. Is this a bad batch, my drive going bad or should i look into updating Intel chipset driver ?

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Must be media fault, when i use Yuden this does not happen:

Current Profile: DVD-R

Disc Information:
Status: Empty
Erasable: No
Free Sectors: 2.297.888
Free Space: 4.706.074.624 bytes
Free Time: 510:40:38 (MM:SS:FF)
Supported Write Speeds: 4x; 6x; 8x; 12x; 16x; 18x; 20x

Pre-recorded Information:
Manufacturer ID: TYG03

Physical Format Information (Last Recorded):
Disc ID: 0@P-!-00
Book Type: DVD-R
Part Version: 5
Disc Size: 120mm
Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified
Number of Layers: 1
Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)
Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit
Track Density: 0.74 um/track
First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608
Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 0
Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0

Performance (Write Speeds):
Descriptor 1...
-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2297887 (0x0023101F)
-> RS: 22.160 KB/s (16x) - WS: 5.540 KB/s (4x)
Descriptor 2...
-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2297887 (0x0023101F)
-> RS: 22.160 KB/s (16x) - WS: 8.310 KB/s (6x)
Descriptor 3...
-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2297887 (0x0023101F)
-> RS: 22.160 KB/s (16x) - WS: 11.080 KB/s (8x)
Descriptor 4...
-> B0: 0x08; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2297887 (0x0023101F)
-> RS: 22.160 KB/s (16x) - WS: 16.620 KB/s (12x)
Descriptor 5...
-> B0: 0x08; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2297887 (0x0023101F)
-> RS: 22.160 KB/s (16x) - WS: 22.160 KB/s (16x)
Descriptor 6...
-> B0: 0x08; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2297887 (0x0023101F)
-> RS: 22.160 KB/s (16x) - WS: 24.930 KB/s (18x)
Descriptor 7...
-> B0: 0x08; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00
-> EL: 2297887 (0x0023101F)
-> RS: 22.160 KB/s (16x) - WS: 27.700 KB/s (20x)


This is also verbatim, DVD-R 16x but from batches I know to be Taiyo Yuden. I've checked the MCC-004-000 discs, the code inde inside metallic ring seems legit. Anyway to force imgburn to force/revert to DVD+R ?

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