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BD-RE not read in PS3


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Dear forum,


I'm just burning BD-RE using imgburn and run smoothly without any problems on burning.

Unfortunately, The PS3 unable to see the disc (but PC does read).

The Source of data is ISO image Blu-ray video, created by Sony DVD Architect 5.0b (Part of Sony Vegas Pro 8.0c)


But in previous project, I'm burning BD-RE using imgburn successfully and PS3 still able to see the disc.


When I downgraded to imgburn2.4.0.0 ( was accidentally deleted here), then try burning the same project.

But, PS3 still unable to see the disc (but PC reads).


Then, I burn using other BD-RE disc, and run succesfully & smoothly.



Now, my main question :

- How about other users here, does anyone here faced with this problem too ?

- Is the disc became defected because of too many uses ?

- What went wrong ?

- Is the BD drive / environment too HOT can make this problem ?

- Is there any possibility due to software issue ?

- Is there any way to 'fix / repair' this 'defected' BD-RE disc back? (has been quick formatted several times, and still no success)


My BD Drive is Pioneer BDR-202 1.04 (ATA)

I didn't save the log, as, there's no problem on burning.





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Update your burner's firmware (remove any disc and close the tray before updating then reboot after it's finished). You can try a Full Erase on the disc to see if it gets better.


Hi mmalves, thanks for the links..

Hmmm, is it safe to do the firmware upgrade ? What risks are in this process ?

This BD Drive is hard to find here (I import it), and need a bit of assurance here before I doing this...



A quick format is a complete waste of time.


Put the disc in the drive and copy + paste all the disc info from the panel on the right when you're in Write mode.


Hi Lightning UK,

Thanks for the software you've written, it's an excellent software.


'Quick format is a complete waste of time'? Meaning... ?


As you requested, here's the info from 'defected' BD-RE :



Current Profile: BD-RE


Disc Information:

Status: Complete

Erasable: Yes

Sessions: 1

Sectors: 11,826,176

Size: 24,220,008,448 bytes

Time: 2628:04:26 (MM:SS:FF)

Supported Write Speeds: 2x


TOC Information:

Session 1...

-> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 11826175)

-> LeadOut (LBA: 11826176)


BD Disc Information:


Disc Type: BD-RE


Current Format Capacity:

Sectors: 11,826,176

Size: 24,220,008,448 bytes

Time: 2628:04:26 (MM:SS:FF)


Preferred Format Capacity:

Sectors: 11,826,176

Size: 24,220,008,448 bytes

Time: 2628:04:26 (MM:SS:FF)


Maximum Format Capacity:

Sectors: 12,219,392

Size: 25,025,314,816 bytes

Time: 2715:27:17 (MM:SS:FF)






As for comparison, here's info from successful BD-RE:



Current Profile: BD-RE


Disc Information:

Status: Complete

Erasable: Yes

Sessions: 1

Sectors: 11,826,176

Size: 24,220,008,448 bytes

Time: 2628:04:26 (MM:SS:FF)

Supported Write Speeds: 2x


TOC Information:

Session 1...

-> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 11826175)

-> LeadOut (LBA: 11826176)


BD Disc Information:


Disc Type: BD-RE


Current Format Capacity:

Sectors: 11,826,176

Size: 24,220,008,448 bytes

Time: 2628:04:26 (MM:SS:FF)


Preferred Format Capacity:

Sectors: 11,826,176

Size: 24,220,008,448 bytes

Time: 2628:04:26 (MM:SS:FF)


Maximum Format Capacity:

Sectors: 12,219,392

Size: 25,025,314,816 bytes

Time: 2715:27:17 (MM:SS:FF)





Also, from final BD-R burned for client :



Current Profile: BD-R


Disc Information:

Status: Complete

Erasable: No

Sessions: 1

Sectors: 11,549,376

Size: 23,653,122,048 bytes

Time: 2566:33:51 (MM:SS:FF)

Supported Write Speeds: 2x; 4x


TOC Information:

Session 1...

-> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 11549375)

-> LeadOut (LBA: 11549376)


BD Disc Information:

Disc ID: VERBAT-IMa-00

Disc Type: BD-R


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A quick format on BD-RE just writes zeroes to the first 800 or so sectors.


Burning the disc obviously writes to those 800 anyway, therefore it's totally pointless - unless you want it to appear 'empty' should anyone attempt to look at it.


Don't forget to update your firmware, it's important! - http://www.firmwarehq.com/Pioneer/BDR-202/files.html


What I'd then do is make an image of a disc you know works on your PS3 and burn it to that BD-RE. If it doesn't work then it's probably the disc itself.


You should be back on the latest version of ImgBurn now - as you already know it's not a version issue now (especially as you're only burning an ISO).


I asked for the disc info because it could have been an issue with the type of format that had been done on the disc - i.e. one with/without spare areas. Both of those discs (assuming you copied + pasted correct) seem to use spare areas so I guess that's not it.


I assume your PS3 firmware/software is up-to-date?

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