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What kind of this virus?

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I got an USB and that infected virus that I never seen!

I plug it in mycomputer and it's infected. Bitdefender in my machine can't detect this virus.

When I upload files to host from the infected machine, the host is hacked. It is inserted dangerous code that link to a virus website from chinese, to the index.html, index.php files.

When I Format Usb (from MS DOS), the Usb is not cleaned.

I really don't know what kind of it? And which tools to clean it from my computer, my usb and my host?

Thank for your help!


Note: I also post on avast but no solution: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=48291.0


ok First clean the infected computer before cleaning up the the USB. I recommend Norton AV or Avira AV to try to remove this virus through the windows interface. If this doesn't work. Get the Hiren Boot CD and reboot your computer and boot into the Hiren CD. Choose AV utilities and use to scan your computers with ALL the utilities in there (I suggest you choose delete infected filed automatically option). Then Use Avast or Avira or NAV after you boot into your windows to remove the virus from the USB stick after d/c the internet.

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