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BD-RE Wrong Size Or wrong speed


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Hi folks,


My burner is a LG GGW-H20L and updated with last firmware 2 days ago.


When i buy and burn BD RE 50G without having full erased it with imgburn its burn at 1x. Always.


But the thing is one time imgburn told that i havent enough space ... So i read the forum and one guy said full earase it and you ll got the full space. So i did it and that was right i got the full space ... BUT after that i now burn at 2x and i want to burn at 1x because my PS3 slim read only when i do it at 1x.


This story repeat itself with TDK, SONY and PANASONIC. All 50 G BD RE.


Help plz

Edited by tjsop
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BD-RE can be formatted with or without 'spare areas'.


'spare areas' reduce the available capacity.


Any disc formatted without spare areas will burn at the proper rated speed - i.e. 2x.


When spare areas are present the disc is still being burnt at 2x but because the drive verifies every write it performs, the effective speed is 1x - because Write+Verify takes twice as long as Write.


So there's nothing to worry about, this is just how BD-RE work.

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Spare areas = smaller available disc space = slow burn because the drive *does* perform automatic verification as it burns. (It's still actually burning at 2x).


No spare areas = normal available disc space = normal speed burn because the drive *does not* perform automatic verification as it burns.


You can see the supported write speeds for your drive/firmware/media combo on the right in the disc info text.

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Dont be presumptuous plz .... or you should have told me how it works from the begining. And the " you " could have meant everybody.


So I confirm.

To get your BD RE 50G working with PS3 and full space you have to uncheck full certifications in the write tab.

And you were right, speed had nothing to do with it.


Can you explain plz what is this option ?


Anyway thanks for your help. :thumbup:

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I did tell you, about 3 times!


I'm sorry you didn't understand what I meant.


Full cert has no effect on the look/size (whatever) of the disc once you've formatted it, it's purely there so the drive thoroughly tests the disc *during* the format.


By turning it off, all you're doing it making the format go a little (ok, a lot) faster... but then you'll never know if there's an issue with the disc itself.

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After reading your respons yesterday i told my self i ll retest ...


So what i did


1- Check the full certification.

2- Full erase

3- Burn


My ps3 slim doesnt read the Bluray


1- Uncheck full cert

2- Full erase

3- Burn


My Ps3 read the Bluray.


For my test i always use the same disc and movie.



So this option is doing more than you think.

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The 'FORMAT UNIT' command ImgBurn uses for formatting the BD-RE has 1 parameter changed ('Format Sub-type Field') when you select full cert (or don't).


It's set to '2' when full cert is enabled and '3' when it's not... and that's the ONLY difference.


2 = Full Certification: The entire data area shall be certified. The defect tables shall be initialized

with defects discovered during the certification process.


3 = Quick Certification: If the media has been previously formatted, the defect tables shall be

reconstructed by certifying only the Clusters that were previously declared to be defective. If

the disc is unformatted, the format process shall only initialize the disc structures with no

certification of the data zone.


That text is copied from the MMC v6 r02c specs, page 302, table 245. The specs are available from www.t10.org

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