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Imgburn speed drops to zero and crashes


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Googling this problem brought me to a closed thread so I'm opening up a new one.


I've recently upgraded my mainboard to a gigabyte ga-ma770 with a sb700 chipset. After this upgrade my burners fails 95% of the time.


The burn starts normally then after 3-10 minutes the speed drops to zero and crashes the system. I cannot open any other programs or close imgburn. I understand this to be an I/O error or some sort.


The drivers are the newest available and all updates done. The drive is a SATA LG GH20NS10 and a Sony DRU-830A. Both have the newest firmware. The Sony is an IDE (master 1) while the LG is on SATA "master" 3.


The SATA is set for IDE emulation. It was on "slave" 3 (I know there are no master and slaves on a sata but my BIOS reports them like that). The media is reported as RITEKF1. I've never had a problem with this media on either drive.


It's not just imgburn. I've tried Magic Burning Studio with the same thing. Is there a compatibility issue with the SB600/700s?




I 20:49:16 ImgBurn Version started!

I 20:49:16 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3, v.5755)

I 20:49:16 Total Physical Memory: 3,406,252 KB - Available: 2,833,988 KB

I 20:49:16 Initialising SPTI...

I 20:49:16 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 20:49:17 Found 2 DVD

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With the DRU-830A burner, have you tried burning at 8x? It almost seems like the drive stops burning because of bad media yet the error (notice the 'Write Error' above) takes a lot of time to be recognized. Is the drive the only device connected at the end of the cable and its jumper is set to master?


As for the LG SATA burner, could you post a log where it was used and errored out?

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Most of my logs don't give me the error message because sometimes the system doesn't recover (sometimes it does after 10+ minutes).


Here are examples:


I 15:08:53 ImgBurn Version started!

I 15:08:53 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3, v.5755)

I 15:08:53 Total Physical Memory: 3,406,252 KB - Available: 2,592,156 KB

I 15:08:53 Initialising SPTI...

I 15:08:53 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 15:08:54 Found 2 DVD


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What if you use the SATA controller in AHCI mode? Also please post your Filter Driver Load Order (look in ImgBurn's Tools menu).



I messed with AHCI this morning. Wouldn't boot into Windows. I know it can work but it seemed to mean a lot of work for something that might not do anything.


I also installed SB drivers directly from AMD and looked up posts regarding slow SATA with the SB600 (the SB700 just adds another SATA controller). Didn't seem to do anything.




The filter driver load order is:



Filter Driver Load Order - ImgBurn v2.5.0.0



Upper Device Filter: redbook

Upper Class Filter: [None Found]

Device: CD/DVD-ROM Device

Lower Class Filter: [None Found]

Lower Device Filter: imapi


Filter Name: redbook

File Name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\redbook.sys

File Version: 5.1.2600.3264 (xpsp.071130-1425)

File Description: Redbook Audio Filter Driver

Product Name: Microsoft

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If your controller won't play nicely, get a silicon image pci card and put the drive on that.



Well, my thinking is that it might not be the controller since both the IDE and the SATA drives don't work. Both crash the exact same way. I'm tempted to buy Verbatim media and seeing if it will crash. Could I just be hitting a very bad batch of DVDs? I've got a 100 TDK spindle and I'm about half way through it (I coasted 12 in the last 2 days).


The problems seemed to have happened after my upgrade but it could be coincidence.


I've tested a regular CD burn and it seem to work ok (tried it once at max speed on the LG drive).

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Make sure you have the latest BIOS version for your motherboard.



The BIOS is up to date. I've also checked to see if any updates did anything for the controller but it didn't.


A new controller is cheap but I'd hate to get one and find out it still crashes.

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Quick question: does burning in test mode engage the controller exactly as if I was really burning the CD? I know the laser isn't turned on but does the system actually act like it's really burning the media only it will never get a write error from media?


I figure I can determine if the media is the problem by using test mode. If the controller isn't working properly it should still crash, if it's bad media it won't ever crash.

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does burning in test mode engage the controller exactly as if I was really burning the CD?


It should do yes.


If the controller isn't working properly it should still crash, if it's bad media it won't ever crash.


That depends on if the controller is getting stuck when the drive is attempting to report an error or not.


It's certainly worth a shot though.

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does burning in test mode engage the controller exactly as if I was really burning the CD?


It should do yes.


If the controller isn't working properly it should still crash, if it's bad media it won't ever crash.


That depends on if the controller is getting stuck when the drive is attempting to report an error or not.


It's certainly worth a shot though.



10 seconds into my test mode test, the system hung the exact same way and did not recover.


I opened my system, removed all sata connections and placed them as masters in each channel (I have 3 sata units). The DVD drive is now master 0. Running the test as I type this and it finished!


Of course this doesn't answer why the IDE drive would be messing up. I only have 1 IDE controller and the Sony and an old HD on it. If I can get the SATA system to work though I'll throw out the Sony.


I'm going to run the test a few more dozen times though before I risk another DVD but it might be working now.

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After running dozens of test burns I did a real burn and it worked. It did crash a few times but mostly when I tried to open the Sony drive while the LG was working.


It's still pretty flaky as I can't do anything else while burning but hey, it works.


It might have had something to do with Windows. I noticed that when I changed the SATA cables Windows redetected all my drives. Since then it's worked 90% of the time instead of 0% of the time.

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