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Burn Fail help please

Jason L

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I have never had a problem burning anything before. Since I bought my new laptop, I have yet to burn a single disk successfully. I assume my burner is junk and I plan on upgrading to an external eventually, but not now. I want to know whether or not it is a hardware problem, driver, firmware, software etc. before I bring my comp back. I have attached the burn file from my last unsuccessful burn. This has also happened with a DL Verbatim as well, but I don't want to sacrifice another unless necessary.


Thanks in advance,




Edit: the burner is a POS Slimtype DVD A DS8A3S


Edited by Jason L
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The discs you are using are not the best ones on the planet. Might get better success with some better ones.


Tried to find a later firmware but I guess you need to check the manufacture of the laptops homepage to find any later ones.

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