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Can't build Image in Win7


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I have been using ImgBurn forever, there simply is no alternative when it comes to image burning, especiall< double layers in vob format - Thank you for this great tool!


I recently switched to Win7 and I can burn images fine with ImgBurn but as soon as I want to build an iso, I will get the strangest error messages (I am on another computer right now, bnut I will post some screenshots of the messages tomorrow) about donation tokens not beeing found etc.


This only happens when building isos. I am running ImgBurn as administrator and have also tried several different compatibility settings.


Is anybody else having problems like this?

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You don't need to run ImgBurn as an Administrator (i.e. where UAC pops up or whatever), just run it normally. Don't mess with the compatibility settings either.


Reply again when you're at the PC with the issue and can get us the real error message.


Ok i am getting different error messages now. If I run it without administrator rights, I will get this error right at programm start:



However, if running it with administrator rights, I wont receive an error anymore, but the programm will be stuck on this screen:


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For some reason my old topic (http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=12964) was locked, so here it goes again. This is the reply I received on my old topic


You don't need to run ImgBurn as an Administrator (i.e. where UAC pops up or whatever), just run it normally. Don't mess with the compatibility settings either.

Reply again when you're at the PC with the issue and can get us the real error message.


If I run ImgBurn without Administrator Rights, I will get this error right at programm start:



Strangely, if I run it with Administrator Rights, now I am not getting the error message when wanting to build an image, instead the programm will be stuck on this screen:


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No, your other topic wasn't locked, you must have just clicked the wrong button or something. I've merged your two threads now.


I have no idea about that first message, it's not one of mine and God knows where it's coming from - it's not something I've ever seen before.


Likewise with the second message, I've never seen that function fail before and it's very basic so I'm not sure *how* it's failing.


Download ImgBurn again, check the MD5 versus what's posted on the website, then reinstall it.


You might also like to run memtest+ for a few passes.

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Ok so Ive found my post again. Sorry, you might want to delete that other topic I just posted in the Bugs section again :whistling: ..sorry again

I honestly started to think I had stumbled across some conspiracy that nobody was allowed to hear about or something...


I will do as you wrote in your last reply, hopefully this will fix it but I doubt it. I think Ill just have to switch back to XP for these iso building matters, at least for now.

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