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Greetings. New to ImageBurn and the forums, but I'm hoping someone can help.


Just built a new rig and installed Windows 7 Professional x64. My optical drive is a new TSSTcorp CDDCDW SG-S223C SB02 (Samsung OEM). It reads and installs programs fine, but I have not been able to get it to burn anything.


I tried the Windows 7 image burning utility and it returned an error every time after ruining a disk: 0xC0AA0301


I tried both a DVD+R and a CD-R (trying to burn my downloaded MS Office '07 ISO file).

I updated the firmware to SB02 via both Samsung's ODD tool and manually. I have not seen any type of individual driver available beyond what Windows installed. I set the regional code to US.


Some posts online suggested ImageBurn, yet still no luck. When I try the burn in test mode, it goes through fine. When I try it for real, here is the log of the error (upon the 1st retry, it completely hung) - any help is greatly appreciated!


I 01:40:45 ImgBurn Version started!

I 01:40:45 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7600)

I 01:40:45 Total Physical Memory: 4,189,688 KB - Available: 3,126,148 KB

I 01:40:45 Initialising SPTI...

I 01:40:45 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 01:40:45 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

I 01:53:44 Operation Started!

I 01:53:44 Source File: C:\Users\Doctor Z\Downloads\en_office_professional_2007_cd_x12-42316.iso

I 01:53:44 Source File Sectors: 224,007 (MODE1/2048)

I 01:53:44 Source File Size: 458,766,336 bytes

I 01:53:44 Source File Volume Identifier: OFFICE12

I 01:53:44 Source File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.47 (10/12/2000 TM)

I 01:53:44 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, Joliet

I 01:53:44 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB02 (D:) (ATA)

I 01:53:44 Destination Media Type: CD-R (Disc ID: 97m15s17f, Ritek Co.) (Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x, 32x, 40x, 48x)

I 01:53:44 Destination Media Sectors: 359,843

I 01:53:44 Write Mode: CD

I 01:53:44 Write Type: SAO

I 01:53:44 Write Speed: MAX

I 01:53:44 Lock Volume: Yes

I 01:53:44 Test Mode: Yes

I 01:53:44 OPC: No

I 01:53:44 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 01:53:45 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

I 01:53:45 Writing LeadIn...

I 01:53:52 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 224006)

I 01:53:52 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 224006)

I 01:55:29 Synchronising Cache...

I 01:55:35 Cycling Tray after Test Write...

I 01:55:41 Exporting Graph Data...

I 01:55:41 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Doctor Z\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SH-S223C_SB02_WEDNESDAY-JANUARY-06-2010_1-53_AM_97m15s17f_MAX.ibg

I 01:55:41 Export Successfully Completed!

I 01:55:41 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:57

I 01:55:41 Average Write Rate: 4,666 KB/s (31.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 6,068 KB/s (40.5x)

I 01:55:58 Operation Started!

I 01:55:58 Source File: C:\Users\Doctor Z\Downloads\en_office_professional_2007_cd_x12-42316.iso

I 01:55:58 Source File Sectors: 224,007 (MODE1/2048)

I 01:55:58 Source File Size: 458,766,336 bytes

I 01:55:58 Source File Volume Identifier: OFFICE12

I 01:55:58 Source File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.47 (10/12/2000 TM)

I 01:55:58 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, Joliet

I 01:55:58 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB02 (D:) (ATA)

I 01:55:58 Destination Media Type: CD-R (Disc ID: 97m15s17f, Ritek Co.) (Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x, 32x, 40x, 48x)

I 01:55:58 Destination Media Sectors: 359,843

I 01:55:58 Write Mode: CD

I 01:55:58 Write Type: SAO

I 01:55:58 Write Speed: MAX

I 01:55:58 Lock Volume: Yes

I 01:55:58 Test Mode: No

I 01:55:58 OPC: No

I 01:55:58 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 01:55:58 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

I 01:55:58 Writing LeadIn...

I 01:56:23 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 224006)

I 01:56:23 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 224006)

W 01:56:38 Failed to Write Sectors 25408 - 25439 - Reason: Write Error

W 01:56:38 Retrying (1 of 20)...

I 02:00:02 Abort Request Acknowledged

W 02:00:48 Retry Failed - Reason: Write Error

E 02:00:48 Failed to Write Sectors 25408 - 25439 - Reason: Write Error

I 02:00:49 Synchronising Cache...

E 02:00:58 Failed to Write Image!

I 02:01:02 Exporting Graph Data...

I 02:01:02 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Doctor Z\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SH-S223C_SB02_WEDNESDAY-JANUARY-06-2010_1-55_AM_97m15s17f_MAX.ibg

I 02:01:02 Export Successfully Completed!

E 02:01:02 Operation Aborted! - Duration: 00:05:00

I 02:01:02 Average Write Rate: 191 KB/s (1.3x) - Maximum Write Rate: 3,572 KB/s (23.8x)


Thank you for the reply. I'll certainly get out and grab some better discs next chance I get, but must imagine this should be doable w/ regular CDs (using Memorex brand).


I tried dropping the write speed down to 16x and got an instant I/O Error stating ScsiStatus: 0x02 (interpretation: check condition) ... this isn't a SCSI drive though


Here's the log. Any other suggestions, or is it really just disc quality?


I 23:54:51 ImgBurn Version started!

I 23:54:51 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7600)

I 23:54:51 Total Physical Memory: 4,189,688 KB - Available: 3,080,896 KB

I 23:54:51 Initialising SPTI...

I 23:54:51 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 23:54:51 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

I 23:56:01 Operation Started!

I 23:56:01 Source File: C:\Users\Doctor Z\Downloads\en_office_professional_2007_cd_x12-42316.iso

I 23:56:01 Source File Sectors: 224,007 (MODE1/2048)

I 23:56:01 Source File Size: 458,766,336 bytes

I 23:56:01 Source File Volume Identifier: OFFICE12

I 23:56:01 Source File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.47 (10/12/2000 TM)

I 23:56:01 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, Joliet

I 23:56:01 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB02 (D:) (ATA)

I 23:56:01 Destination Media Type: CD-R (Disc ID: 97m15s17f, Ritek Co.) (Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x, 32x, 40x, 48x)

I 23:56:01 Destination Media Sectors: 359,843

I 23:56:01 Write Mode: CD

I 23:56:01 Write Type: SAO

I 23:56:01 Write Speed: 16x

I 23:56:01 Lock Volume: Yes

I 23:56:01 Test Mode: No

I 23:56:01 OPC: No

I 23:56:01 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 23:56:01 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

I 23:56:02 Writing LeadIn...

E 23:57:32 Failed to Write Sectors -150 - -119 - Reason: Write Error

I 23:57:32 Writing Sectors...

I 23:57:32 Synchronising Cache...

W 23:57:38 User opted to skip the 'Close Track/Session/Disc' functions.

E 23:57:38 Failed to Write Image!

E 23:57:38 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:01:37

I 23:57:38 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A


Don't concern yourself with the internals of cd/dvd drive programming, the 'scsi' name is still in use from when the functions were first created.


It's the drive that keeps reporting a write error when trying to write to the media so I can only assume it's the disc... you won't know until you try some other/better ones.

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