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Hi everyone!


I'm new to burning,

Bought some DVD's today (DVD+R)


Now I went for good software, and came to the IMGburn!


Ok here it goes,


I got some DVD's (Philips DVD+R 4.7 GB/120 min/1-16x speed)

I got a burner. I put in the dvd in the burner (it is DVD+R compatible).

In IMG burn i choose the Iso, and the burner and i automaticly get descriptions.

I was wondering about the write speed so i'll copy that piece.


Performance (Write Speed):

Descriptor 1...

-> B0: 0x02; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00

-> EL: 2295103 (0x0023053F)

-> RS: 6.876 KB/s (5x) - WS: 11.080 KB/s (8x)

Descriptor 2...

-> B0: 0x02; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00

-> EL: 2295103 (0x0023053F)

-> RS: 6.876 KB/s (5x) - WS: 16.620 KB/s (12x)

Descriptor 3...

-> B0: 0x02; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00

-> EL: 2295103 (0x0023053F)

-> RS: 6.876 KB/s (5x) - WS: 22.160 KB/s (16x)



I have no idea what it means, so can anyone explain what it means and tell me what the right speed is?


Really thanks already and i hope anyone can help me.



Daniel (Salac1ty)


(If I seem rude i'm sorry, my english vocabulairy isn't very big :blush: )

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