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Posted (edited)



Very nice. Looks like there is more than smokestacks in the Garden State.


Don't blame me--that's an old George Carlin routine. ;)


Seriously, I recognize many of these progs. Some of which I didn't know were freeware.


Quite a public service there. Thanks.


I nominate Jersey Guy for the Internet Medal of Honor. Prize is a warm, half empty can of Budweiser and three AOL cds.



Edited by Pain_Man

a warm can of bud ill take..keep the aol cd's!

Very nice. Looks like there is more than smokestacks in the Garden State.


Don't blame me--that's an old George Carlin routine.

i remember it...

dont see many smokestacks around here anymore..it helps to live 10 miles from the beach.. :thumbup:

Posted (edited)
a warm can of bud ill take..keep the aol cd's!
Very nice. Looks like there is more than smokestacks in the Garden State.


Don't blame me--that's an old George Carlin routine.

i remember it...

dont see many smokestacks around here anymore..it helps to live 10 miles from the beach.. :thumbup:



a warm can of bud ill take..keep the aol cd's!


Without the cds, where ya gonna sit your can of fizzy water? (Sorry, I much prefer Steinlager, the best lager, bar none, in the world. In fact, there's not much I prefer Budweiser--julli-banneds.gif--too 'cept maybe Coors :thumbdown: , I don't know what they put in those cans, I have my theories and they involve mountain quadrapeds, but it certainly ain't beer.)



God, Carlin was great before he turned into a sour, bitter, hateful old crank.


That very first HBO special was so classic... ("Smoke a bong full of fruit loops and call your boss and tell him, 'Fuck you, I ain't coming into work today!'") "Bong full of fruit loops"? Well, we know what George's bong was not full of.


I wonder if that special can be found on DVD? I've got a 20+ yr old VHS tape of it somewhere...


I just looked at the clock. 8PM! My God, where did the time go?

Edited by Pain_Man

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