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I have a Toshiba Satellite A305-S6858 that has a Pioneer PIONEER DVD-RW DVRKD08L (ATA) with Firmware v2.51 (Toshiba hasn't really released any information about the firmware, which kind of stinks because I can't change the booktype of DVD+R to DVD-R, so I usually just get DVD-R disks). I recently thought I would scan a few DVD's that I had burned, but everything comes out with a 0% quality rating. These disks seem to read just fine, and the disks I burned a year and a half ago right after I bought the laptop still seem to work just fine.


Below are some images from a disk I burned today. I know that this is cheap media (a TDK DVD+R 1-16x speed, CMC MAG-M01-00), so I wouldn't expect a very high rating, but everything seems to come out at 0%. I have tried Memorex, Imation (RITEKF1), Verbatim (I have some new MCC 03RG20) and they all come out to 0%. The burn speed doesn't matter either. I have tried 2x, 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x (can't burn higher than this because it is a laptop slimline drive).


What I am most confused about is not the fact that it is 0%, but if it is 0%, how come the disk still works fine? I never get any errors opening files or watching movie clips. Some of these disks have burned home DVD movies on and they seem to work in players just fine, no skipping or anything.




Log of the burn -

; //****************************************\\

; ImgBurn Version - Log

; Monday, 08 February 2010, 15:09:27

; \\****************************************//



I 14:34:58 ImgBurn Version started!

I 14:34:58 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7600)

I 14:34:58 Total Physical Memory: 4,184,012 KB - Available: 2,796,780 KB

I 14:34:58 Initialising SPTI...

I 14:34:58 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 14:34:59 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

I 14:40:18 Operation Started!

I 14:40:18 Building Image Tree...

I 14:40:56 Checking Directory Depth...

I 14:40:56 Calculating Totals...

I 14:40:56 Preparing Image...

I 14:40:57 Checking Path Length...

I 14:40:57 Contents: 1,002 Files, 92 Folders

I 14:40:57 Content Type: Data

I 14:40:57 Data Type: MODE1/2048

I 14:40:57 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)

I 14:40:57 Volume Label: Downloads & Movie Clips

I 14:40:57 Size: 4,688,647,787 bytes

I 14:40:57 Sectors: 2,289,980

I 14:40:57 Image Size: 4,693,131,264 bytes

I 14:40:57 Image Sectors: 2,291,568

I 14:41:02 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:44

I 14:41:02 Operation Started!

I 14:41:02 Source File: -==/\/[bUILD IMAGE]\/\==-

I 14:41:02 Source File Sectors: 2,291,568 (MODE1/2048)

I 14:41:02 Source File Size: 4,693,131,264 bytes

I 14:41:02 Source File Volume Identifier: Downloads & Movie Clips

I 14:41:02 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.0.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!

I 14:41:02 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn

I 14:41:02 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)

I 14:41:02 Destination Device: [0:0:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVRKD08L 2.51 (E:) (ATA)

I 14:41:02 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: CMC MAG-M01-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x)

I 14:41:02 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104

I 14:41:02 Write Mode: DVD

I 14:41:02 Write Type: DAO

I 14:41:02 Write Speed: 4x

I 14:41:02 DVD+R Reserve Track: No

I 14:41:02 Link Size: Auto

I 14:41:02 Lock Volume: Yes

I 14:41:02 Test Mode: No

I 14:41:02 OPC: No

I 14:41:02 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 14:41:03 Advanced Settings - Optimal Writing Speed: No

I 14:41:04 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

I 14:41:05 Writing LeadIn...

I 14:41:40 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2291567)

I 14:41:40 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2291567)

I 14:57:27 Synchronising Cache...

I 14:57:28 Closing Track...

I 14:57:31 Finalising Disc...

I 14:58:06 Exporting Graph Data...

I 14:58:06 Graph Data File: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\PIONEER_DVD-RW_DVRKD08L_2.51_MONDAY-FEBRUARY-08-2010_2-41_PM_CMC_MAG-M01-00_4x.ibg

I 14:58:06 Export Successfully Completed!

I 14:58:06 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:17:03

I 14:58:06 Average Write Rate: 4,839 KB/s (3.5x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,610 KB/s (4.1x)

I 14:58:06 Cycling Tray before Verify...

W 14:58:21 Waiting for device to become ready...

I 14:58:29 Device Ready!

I 14:58:30 Operation Started!

I 14:58:30 Source Device: [0:0:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVRKD08L 2.51 (E:) (ATA)

I 14:58:30 Source Media Type: DVD+R (Book Type: DVD+R) (Disc ID: CMC MAG-M01-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x)

I 14:58:30 Image File: -==/\/[bUILD IMAGE]\/\==-

I 14:58:30 Image File Sectors: 2,291,568 (MODE1/2048)

I 14:58:30 Image File Size: 4,693,131,264 bytes

I 14:58:30 Image File Volume Identifier: Downloads & Movie Clips

I 14:58:30 Image File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.0.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!

I 14:58:30 Image File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn

I 14:58:30 Image File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)

I 14:58:30 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / MAX

I 14:58:31 Verifying Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2291567)

I 14:58:31 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2291567)

I 15:08:01 Exporting Graph Data...

I 15:08:01 Graph Data File: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\PIONEER_DVD-RW_DVRKD08L_2.51_MONDAY-FEBRUARY-08-2010_2-41_PM_CMC_MAG-M01-00_4x.ibg

I 15:08:01 Export Successfully Completed!

I 15:08:01 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:09:31

I 15:08:01 Average Verify Rate: 8,054 KB/s (5.8x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 11,660 KB/s (8.4x)

I 15:09:27 Close Request Acknowledged

I 15:09:27 Closing Down...

I 15:09:27 Shutting down SPTI...

I 15:09:27 ImgBurn closed!


Test Images -








Scanning is a fine art and only certain drives can do it well... yours does not.


Ok, so it is not just a whole bunch of bad burns, but my drive just can't scan well.


I had one more question, then me and my stupidity will go away. When I flip over a burned disk, disks that were burned at a speed greater than 2x seem to have a "darker circle" in the dye near the center while disks burned at 2x speed have even dye color across the back of the disk. Is this anything to worry about? Looking at the burn speed graph I posted above (first image), is this caused by the jump in burn speed at about the 250 mb mark?


Here are two pictures for comparison. The darker circle is kind of hard to make out, but is on the disk in the first picture and the second picture doesn't have it.





It shouldn't be anything to worry about, no.


The drive uses different laser powers at different speeds (when the speed is stepped up/down like that) so it's not uncommon to see 'rings' on the disc that match up with where the speed changed or the laser power was re-calibrated.

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