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Extra Audio Track Being Created


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I hope somebody can offer me some advice. I have some VOB files stored on my PC HDD. The files have no protection and only a single audio track. If I open them with VLC I can confirm that the audio and video is fine and that there is only one audio track. The problem I am experiencing is that if I use Imgburn to put them into an ISO for use in my media center for some reason an extra audio track gets inserted as the first one. I can manually change it to the second track and everything works perfectly. However this is rather painfull to have to manually do that anytime I want to watch something.


I have been searching for ages but havent managed to find any answer to this.


If anyone has any ideas I would be very gratefull.

Thanks in advance.

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ImgBurn burns stuff as-is, i.e. nothing is changed. You can get around that by converting your VOB file to another format your media center support, or perhaps by making a proper DVD-Video structure using DVD Flick, ConvertXtoDVD or similar programs.

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ImgBurn burns stuff as-is, i.e. nothing is changed. You can get around that by converting your VOB file to another format your media center support, or perhaps by making a proper DVD-Video structure using DVD Flick, ConvertXtoDVD or similar programs.


Yes I agree that nothing gets changed but somewhere along the line between them being vobs and combined into a single iso file this extra audio track is creeping in. Nothing else is working on the files apart from Imgburn. I use DVD-decyrpt to copy just the movie vobs onto the HDD removing everything apart from the English language track and the English subtitles. I then add these vobs to Imgburn to create an iso. Imgburn creates the DVD structure automatically in the iso. I want the full dvd quality minus all the extra features, languages etc. This iso would stay on my raid and be streamed to my tv via my stand alone media player.


In case you are wondering I own all the DVDs that I am doing this too. None of them are pirated. I just find it a pain to search through the 100s of movies to find what I want to play. I would rather have them all available on demand.

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As I said before, the problem is with your source files.




Yes I know but if I view the source file it shows me one audio track only. I run it through Imgburn and there and suddenly two. Nothing else touches the files between me checking the source and the final file. I am just hoping that somebody can shed some light on what is happening.


I am just very confused about how this extra audio track gets there.

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Nothing it being added, you're barking up the wrong tree.


Unless your media player (which is what exactly?) can handle ISO's properly (i.e. with menus) then it's just diving straight into the files and playing them in a very dumb fashion. It is messing up, not anything else.


What you're doing is no better (and in fact, it's probably worse) than just having 1 large vob file. So in my opinion, quit making an ISO out of something that doesn't belong in one (based on your target playback device).

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Nothing it being added, you're barking up the wrong tree.


Unless your media player (which is what exactly?) can handle ISO's properly (i.e. with menus) then it's just diving straight into the files and playing them in a very dumb fashion. It is messing up, not anything else.


What you're doing is no better (and in fact, it's probably worse) than just having 1 large vob file. So in my opinion, quit making an ISO out of something that doesn't belong in one (based on your target playback device).


Nothing being added? Then why does the movie have one extra audio track the moment it gets run though the software? If my media player (Hisense 1080p) is messing up then why does every single other iso image I have work 100%? Yes, with dvd menus and all. I have also tested using VLC. That shows exactly the same issue. So I have two different players, one hardware and one software that are showing the same issue. I suppose them are both faulty in exactly the same way but strangely enough they work perfectly with my other iso's created using other software. The iso does not have the extra audio track if I add the files manually but it does if I add the directory. If I just iso the complete disk there is no extra audio track either. All I am trying to do is save space on my raid by re-doing all the images to remove the unwanted featues.


You state "doesnt belong in one". I happen to occasionally burn these iso images to disk if I am going away for any time and want to take a couple of movies with me. For safety my originals never leave the house. So yes the way I am doing this and have been doing for years actually does make sense. Facts are usefull things. It might be good to ask a question about why instead of just making unfounded assumptions.


I was posting here hoping that somebody would have some advice not just criticism about the way I do things. Thank you all for reading but dont worry about posting any further replies as I wont be back.

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ok, why don't you compare the VOB files on your hdd to the one on the disc.


They'll be exactly the same and that's why you're barking up the wrong tree.


Adding the folder or adding the files should (in theory) still give you the same end result.


Without logs etc, it's impossible for me to be 100% about that though. You might have the files in an odd folder or be answering ImgBurn's questions in a weird way when it asks if you're trying to create a DVD Video disc.


Don't get in a huff, I'm just trying to help you based on what you've told us and what I already know.

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