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AskInstallChecker- makes installation of halt


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Got installed and wanted to update with installer. The installation halts exactly when the AskInstallChecker- shows up in the temp folder and after that nothing works. No installation, no nothing. Trying to kill the AskInstallChecker- process does not work. I guess its the Ask Toolbar installer thingamajiggy that causes this, is it in some way trying to contact the Interwebz, my firewall stops it and therefore gets angry with my firewall and stops the istallation?

Edited by E-Buzz
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I don't know the in's and out's of the checker, it's nothing to do with me.


I guess its the Ask Toolbar installer thingamajiggy that causes this, is it in some way trying to contact the Interwebz, my firewall stops it and therefore gets angry with my firewall and stops the istallation?


Possibly, but I'd expect it to time out or something and then return control to the installer.


Terminating the process should work too... weird.

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I don't know the in's and out's of the checker, it's nothing to do with me.


I guess its the Ask Toolbar installer thingamajiggy that causes this, is it in some way trying to contact the Interwebz, my firewall stops it and therefore gets angry with my firewall and stops the istallation?


Possibly, but I'd expect it to time out or something and then return control to the installer.


Terminating the process should work too... weird.


Well, tried again, same story, but this time i choosed another approach. Installation starts, AskInstallChecker- shows up in temp folder and BANG! installation halts. Killing the Setupimgburn process works fine, but killing the AskInstallChecker- process is not possible at all. Trying to start the installation again just produces error message about not being able to write to AskInstallChecker- But now i pressed the "Abort" button instead of "Retry" or "Ignore" and installation went thru without problem. AskInstallChecker- process still impossible to kill though, computer needs to be rebooted to stop it.


Conclusion: Nothing wrong with Imgburn, something very wrong with Ask Toolbar installer (AskInstallChecker-

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If you think it might be firewall related, what one are you running exactly? (make/model/version)


I'll report the issue to them (Ask that is).


Running Eset Smart Security (latest version) x64. I´ve configured it to warn and ask for permission when applications try outbound connections for the first time, but in this case it never triggers that option. So i might be wrong assuming it´s a firwall issue, but on the other hand i´ve seen behavior exactly like this before when applications try outbound connections but never gets the permission.

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